Title: Life and Death
Author: Kubaru Suki
Prompt: #4, Opposites
Time: 23:32
Notes: Though I don't respond to each comment left, please know that I cherish every one of them and they never fail to make me go 'eee!' and flail a little bit.
Life and Death )
Comments 6
The flow of this was so poetic, so smooth, that it was an incredibly easy read without being over quick. This is going to stay with me for a while. Your language was just so...I don't even know. This was a very, very enjoyable read.
I liked what you did with the prompt, most definitely. It was an interesting look into young Sanzo, and I think you did a marvelous job. <3 Thanks for sharing that with us!
"He doesn't look as young as he is. He doesn't look as old as he feels." What a lovely sentence. And the comparison to Koumyou, who is the precise opposite, was exactly right for the next line.
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