
Nov 02, 2011 17:43

Well, didn't do half of what I planned on doing today, but I have written, and rewritten a small chunk of the rework of my original story, chapter tentatively titled "The Village of Eden". Also raided Trader Joes *0*

AND FUCK YES. MINT CHOCOLATE M&M'S ARE IN SEASON BITCHES <3 (and I paid almost half price XD haha 8D ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

speaky_bean November 3 2011, 00:45:11 UTC
Wait wait wait. Mint chocolate M&Ms? Those exist again? I'll have to keep my eyes peeled, because dear lord I have MISSED those things!

Also congrats on getting your rewrite done!!


saiou November 3 2011, 00:48:42 UTC
o0 They exist every year after Halloween (sometimes they don't show till closer to thanksgiving). But they've existed every year since I was little >3< NOMNOM

If you have a Rite Aid anywhere near you, they've always had them. They sell out quick though ;alskdjf ;;


velshtein November 3 2011, 01:52:06 UTC


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