Warning: this post may contain an angry bisexual

Mar 02, 2011 12:54

I had a woman tell me the other day that she "didn't trust people who couldn't pick a side," (what the hell?) and so I dealt with my rage the only way I possibly could: by making text-heavy icons in pastel colours (and some Lady GaGa ones, because she makes everything better).

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oh the humanity, icons, cabbages and kings, pride

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Comments 3

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saintdogstreet March 2 2011, 21:49:19 UTC
Thanks <3 *high five*


tenisunoelito March 31 2011, 07:05:50 UTC
These are fabulous! I like you have had my fair share of biphobia, thank you for the icons they are awesome.


saintdogstreet March 31 2011, 20:16:16 UTC
Thank you so much! Feel free to help yourself, if you feel the urge. Yeah, sometimes I really don't like people. Most times at least, I don't understand them. *sigh*


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