Titles: (074) dark (075) shade
word count: (074) ~160 (075) ~40 (see, undertheice? this is the way to go!)
whos: (074) DM and Aphro (075) Aioria
disclaimer: three quarters down with these prompts, it's starting to dawn on me that this repetition of the disclaimer may be considered by some as an insult to your intelligence. Please bear with me,
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Comments 5
→ He could feel it in his bones, in the longing to be alive that clung to every inch of his spirit.
→ Aphrodite, on the other hand, had other concerns. Anguished thoughts that came through the cracks in the walls of their cells.
- It’s dark in here. I can’t see my face.
→ Deathmask wished again he could muster his old strength; he would break down the wall and shut up Aphrodite for good.
I adored this ficlet. ♥
075: Awwww, Ria. :(
glad you liked ^_^
Now, my Kitten...sniff...
#74 caught my interest with "He was no more powerful here than any child that found his death choking in his bed sheets at night." From then on it was pure WIN. Not that the rest wasn't great too, but those last lines... Aphrodite's desperation at something that is so trivial in such a situation but that to him is true hell, and DM... It's different to see someone like DM in a "vulnerable" position so to read that line... Wow. Just great. Another addition to my (long) list of favorites.
#75 is exactly what I mean. A powerful story in mere 40 words. Allow me to fangirl because OMGKITTENANGST!
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