Title: (065) Passing
word count ~ 340
who: Deathmask
disclaimer: With the deepest of respect to the actual creator of Saint Seiya (Mr Kurumada) and with mixed feelings towards the corporations that own, distribute, make profit of and make it possible for the general public (including non-Japs like me) to know authors' creations. That to say, I
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Comments 6
DM has been popping up frequently on this set of ficlets, which is highly appreciated. ;)
He gives me a warm spot in my heart :)
I'm glad it made you laugh
And so are we. ;)
I think I hould have known better. At first I was taking this seriously and I thought that maybe Cancer had (ZOMG) betrayed Athena and so on. Darn you.
I pity the kids.
Me? who's been cruella de ville lately around here? *giggles*
I'm glad it threw you off, even if for a bit.
I pity the kids as well. I didn't know much of the japanese population (together with jews and someone else i cant remember... korean? dunno) lack that enzime to be able to properly process alcohol.
I'm sure DM's temple filled with evil laughter at reading the report, while he thought up his "contribution" to the bettering of the armies of Athena *nods*
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