Welcome Home, KurtxBlaine, G

Aug 20, 2012 13:06

Title: Welcome Home
Author: sailorraspberry
Rating: G
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Word Count: 811
Summary: Kurt and Blaine take their daughter to Disney World.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Future!fic, set in the Sweet Little Thing 'verse.
Author Notes: The first in what I hope will be a short series of Klaine with their daughter in Disney World for the first time.

It was a surprisingly peaceful flight. Blaine claimed the aisle seat and Josephine had the window, so Kurt was stuck in the middle, fighting Blaine for the arm rest and struggling to keep their daughter buckled into her seat.

There was no crying, the bathrooms didn’t smell, and when the wheels of the plane finally touched down, Kurt was feeding off of the excitement of the bouncing four-year-old beside him.

“Does Cinderella really live in the castle?”

“Definitely,” Blaine said as he reached into the overhead compartment for their bags.

“And,” Josephine continued, practically crawling from her own seat into Kurt’s lap. He huffed out a laugh and helped her get all the way over, “is Mickey going to be there?”

Blaine nodded to Kurt, so he hefted her up as he stood, setting her onto the ground and patting her bottom to get her walking.

“Absolutely,” Kurt answered. “Now, come on, hup two, Fi. We’ve got a bus to catch.”

They’d chosen the Boardwalk Hotel as their resort. Online reviews were promising, and when Kurt had spoken with an operator over the phone in regards to it, it seemed pleasant enough.

Josephine was the first out of the bus, leaping from the top stair and out onto the concrete. Kurt winced as he watched her run around excitedly in her strappy sandals. “If she turns an ankle,” he murmured at Blaine, and Blaine looked over his shoulder at Kurt with a grin.

“You think she’s excited now,” he said, and pointed to where Josephine was talking animatedly with one of the valets, “just wait until she actually sees that mouse. She’s been talking about him all week.”

Kurt hummed, flicked at a piece of hair that couldn’t fight the humidity and had wilted across his forehead. “Well,” he slipped a hand into Blaine’s, glanced out of the corner of his eye to make sure Josephine hadn’t somehow miraculously started a fire with how fast she was running around, “when her daddy can’t stop watching his old vhs’s...”

“Hey!” Blaine nudged Kurt with his shoulder. “They’re classics.”

Josephine was making a move for the entrance now, and Kurt dragged Blaine along with him to keep up.

“Well, hello, hello, welcome to Disney’s Boardwalk Resort,” the clerk behind the desk beamed a smile at them, then looked down to Josephine. “And who do we have here?”

Josephine made an attempt to crawl up Kurt’s leg, and when she only succeeded in wrinkling his shorts, he rolled his eyes, “Would it kill you to ask, Fi, come on,” and bent over to pick her up.

“I am Josephine,” she said when Kurt had her on his hip. “But everybody calls me Fi.”

The clerk, Rebecca by the name on her tag, cast a look over the three of them. From the corner of his eye, Kurt saw Blaine tense, expecting a question or a comment or a vague insult, but her smile didn’t falter, her expression didn’t change. “It’s very nice to meet you, Fi. Is this your first time in Disney?”

Josephine’s nod was like her entire body had been jerked backward, and Rebecca laughed as she bent down to dig around for something. “Well,” she said, and stood back up holding a big round pin, “then you get this nifty little button here, so everyone knows it’s your first time with us.”

Blaine took the button from her. “What do you say, Fi?”

She watched, amazed, like it was the coolest thing she’d ever seen, as Blaine pinned the button onto her shirt. “Thank you,” she breathed out, running her tiny finger around the edge of it. “It’s the best thing ever.”

“And you know what else?”

Josephine shook her head, staring at Rebecca with wide eyes.

“Pooh Bear is going to be here in a couple minutes, if you want to meet him.”

“What?” Josephine looked shell-shocked.

“It’s true, Fi,” Rebecca said, and sent a wink to Kurt. “He’s going to sign autographs and everything.”

“What!” Josephine’s voice rose dangerously high, and Kurt had to shush her. “Dad,” she said, tugging on his ear until he angled his head to look at her, and she squished his cheeks between her hands, “did you hear that?”

“I did,” he said. “Why don’t you let Daddy take you to the gift shop to buy an autograph book, and I’ll get our room ready, hm?”

She was already wiggling to get out of his arms. “Yeah, come on,” she hit the ground and took Blaine’s hand, dragging him away. “Did you hear that, Dad. Did you?”

Blaine nodded, letting her tug him around. “I did, Fi.”

“Pooh Bear is going to be here.”

Kurt sighed, turned back to Rebecca with a tired smile. “We’re the Hummel-Anderson’s.”

“Welcome to Disney World,” she said with a toothy smile, and turned to her computer. “Welcome home.”

pairing: kurtxblaine, character: kurt hummel, character: blaine anderson, fandom: glee, rating: g

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