Hi guys! Me again with your GE Round up! Once again all of this stuff is foind on
**EDIT 06/12** MORE NEW THINGS ADDED! They are at the TOP of the list
Lets start with the NEW LISTINGS on GE:
Added 06/12:
*NOTE: There are a few items on the site with broken images (The Sailor Pattern Backpack,The Blue Sailor Moon Icon Pin) I will be checking the GE periodically for when these are uploaded to post them in this post!*
Not what I was expecting,honestly. Still kinda cute!
Sailor Mercury Backpack
Artemis 3" Pin #1
Artemis 3" Pin #2
Luna 1.25" Pin
Luna Patch
Tuxedo Kamen Necklace
Sailor Moon Bow Necklace (DO WANT)
JEWELED Bow Necklace
GLITTER bow Necklace
This is titled "Sailor Moon's Brooch." Again,HOPING this is a prototype because the OTHER Brooch artwork is MUCH nicer IMO
Moon Symbol Earrings!
SUPER CUTE LUNA BACKPACK! I love the all over print on this!!
Sailor Mercury Draw String bag!
Sailor Venus keyring-Similar to the Moon,Mercury and Jupiter ones already posted. Why are we still missing Sailor Mars?
Individual Sticker!
STICKER SET. I am a SUCKER for Stickers and Stationary and I LOVE THESE
Mercury Pin
Brooch PVC Keychain.
Blue Patch-Would LOVE to see other colours for this!
Brooch Patch
Name plate Necklace.
BOW WALLET. I need this!
Clutch wallet/. Hoping this is just a prototype image!!
Logo Necklace.
They are calling this a cellphone lanyard- probably would work better for your shiny new pink 3ds (coming to North America SOON!) That booklet also appares to be the silly bandz booklet... hmmm! Maybe we will get those over here as well?
Wow. LOTS of new Stuff. All of it is still "coming soon" sadly...but I will be keeping my eyes out for it. Besides Hot Topic,has anyone seen any of this stuff in other retail stores?
Also, the following are now on the hot topic site (Click the image to go to the product!)