Art: Moon Yarmulke Action!

Dec 05, 2006 13:53

I've tweaked Sailor Jon's suit design a bit.

Rating: G
Disclaimer: Fiction. Not intended to have any bearing on the real people whose likenesses are used. Sailor Moon mythology from Naoko Takeuchi, used without permission (but with love!).

In the very first episode, before Junior had explained how to attack, the poor eagle was knocked out by a monster. Sailor Jon was being faced down by the monster and had no way to defend himself - then he started giggling at the absurdity of it all. The microphone hidden under his tie picked up the sound and amplified it; the monster was overwhelmed with the cuteness of it, and momentarily disarmed.

This gave Sailor Jon time to pick up Junior and start running, leading the monster away from the civilians who would otherwise have been in danger. However, he ended up backed against a wall, trying frantically to get Junior to wake up while the monster advanced.

Fortunately, a razor-sharp American flag was thrown between them, and the monster was distracted long enough for Junior to wake up and explain to Sailor Jon what he could do: take off his yarmulke and chant...

Moon Yarmulke Action!

This subsequently became Sailor Jon's signature attack, used in almost every episode of the first series.

The amplified-giggling-as-attack only resurfaced once, in the fourth series, where Sailor Jon and Sailor Chibi-Jon used it in tandem.

-art-, -backstory-, author: sailorptah, character: jon stewart

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