[doctor who fic] i'll show you the way (the way i'm going), pg

Jun 21, 2012 13:48

i'll show you the way (the way i'm going)
- doctor who
- river/doctor, martha jones, jack harkness
- pg
- 8600
- written for dr_helenmagnus for the spoiler_song ficathon. darling, i am so, so sorry this is so late! you're a saint for putting up with me. ♥
- this is why i don't write plot, dear lord. i am so sorry. / title from 30 seconds to mars' capricorn.
- prompt: i ( Read more... )

character: dw - eleven, genre: adventure, character: dw - doctor (all), character: dw - river song, genre: romance, genre: humour, character: dw - jack harkness, pairing: dw - river/doctor, fic: doctor who, character: dw - martha jones

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Comments 17

lifes_own_light June 22 2012, 03:03:20 UTC
I love everything about this. It's just ... fantastic, brilliant, and cool. Brava!


hihoplastic June 22 2012, 15:29:24 UTC
Thank you so much! :D


dr_helenmagnus June 22 2012, 09:34:20 UTC
asdfgfgfhhghkl! *flail*
Do you know how unbelievably perfect this is? Because this touched on all the perfect things I could have possibly wanted from a story like this. It's lovely and I can't even express my love for this enough. Absolutely worth the wait for it!
The interaction between each set of characters was perfect. The flirting was perfect, and you included Jack and River flirting and kissing and OMG I think I might actually be dead now. I think I might be a data ghost typing this!
The little bits of sad are perfect here. Jacks observations about him knowing, I wanted to cry.
And of course you have perfectly included every little bit of River that makes me adore her. It's amazing, thank you a million million times.


hihoplastic June 22 2012, 15:31:57 UTC
Oh, thank goodness! I'm so, so thrilled you liked it!! I'm so, so sorry it took me so long to get it to you! I am RUBBISH at ficathons and deadlines. Thank you so much for being so patient and nice about it. *hugs madly*

I'm still working on your other prompts, but they'll probably be quite a while in the making, lol. But I wanted to let you know I DO intend to do them, or at least something like them.

Thank you again for all your patience and your beautiful, beautiful comment! ♥


dr_helenmagnus June 22 2012, 17:28:17 UTC
Now I'm flailing again! Because OMG take forever please because your work is brilliant.
I keep trying to write more too but I keep getting sucked back in to Mattex and real life things. I totally understand being busy because I've got two kids and it's summer now.


hihoplastic June 22 2012, 18:25:28 UTC
Haha, thank you do much! You are so sweet. <3 the same thing's been happening to me! Mattex is far too addicting to be legal! Lol. I've been working on a saga that is taking up much of my fic writing time lol.

Ahh, yup. There goes all your free time, lol. I totally understand!


vickysg1 June 22 2012, 18:41:02 UTC
This is amazing!! I love this fic! It's so perfect! I love having Jack and Martha interact with River! And I knew that River was going to be hurt, but phew, she's fine. Like I already said, this fic is amazing, darling!


hihoplastic June 24 2012, 20:47:10 UTC
Aww thank you so much sweetie! I'm so glad you liked it! *hugs*


just_liv June 23 2012, 03:33:18 UTC
There's not a single word out of place in this. Every is as it should be. For real. A wonderful wonderful piece! Thanks for sharing.


hihoplastic June 24 2012, 20:46:20 UTC
Thank YOU so much for reading and commenting! I'm so thrilled you enjoyed it! :D


cardiogod June 23 2012, 04:21:00 UTC

Your dialogue is beyond perfect, especially the banter between Jack and River. I can't imagine the Moff himself writing it any better.


hihoplastic June 24 2012, 20:45:53 UTC
Whaaaaaa ohmygod. Best compliment EVER. *spazzes* out* alwkejrwlkajrwlekr thank you so much!! I'm so glad you liked it!


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