[doctor who fic] in your place there were a thousand other faces (part four), pg13

Feb 11, 2012 17:02

in your place there were a thousand other faces (part four/four)
- doctor who
- river/doctor
- pg13
- 2080
- title from florence + the machine's no light, no light; au for the wedding of river song, based on the premise that the doctor had no way out, and truly did die at lake silencio.

part one | part two | part three

she hates that he doesn't blame her. )

character: dw - eleven, character: dw - melody pond, genre: alternate universe, character: dw - doctor (all), character: dw - river song, genre: angst, genre: romance, length: multi-chapter, pairing: dw - river/doctor, fic: doctor who

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Comments 22

a_phoenixdragon February 12 2012, 01:34:05 UTC
Ohhhhhh...ohhh, ~Cries messily~

Always forgiven...always.

Ohhh, this aches and burns and -

~Cries harder~

Thank you. For this. Thank you. Because this...this is how it happened the first time around. This right here.



hihoplastic February 12 2012, 18:11:00 UTC
*hugs* *offers tissues*

Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. <3


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hihoplastic February 12 2012, 18:06:03 UTC
Hee, thank you bb! *hugs* I'm so glad you like it! <333333
Hee, I did! \o/!


shegrewhearts February 12 2012, 06:01:45 UTC
What a wonderful piece. I don't know if this is entirely what you were going for, but the imagery of River taking the Doctor's place in reaction to his death is a really fascinating, thought-provoking one. You have a lovely writing style, so thanks so much for this great fic!


hihoplastic February 12 2012, 18:02:28 UTC
That's exactly what I was going for - I'm so glad that came through. :) It's my personal head canon that if anything ver happened to the Doctor - wibbly wobbly time aside - she'd carry on his work. I'm so so glad you enjoyed this piece - thank you so much for reading and commenting!


lonewytch February 12 2012, 09:24:48 UTC
I have loved this whole story, every part of it, it is one of the best AU pieces i have ever read. Seriously.

So much beautiful language, you capture so much emotion and sensation in every short section. I love your writing. The bit with Amy...."you were our daughter" *cries*

I wondered what the ending was going to be, if you would go for the happy ending of giving him a way out and setting everything back, but.....*cries* *collapses in sobs*...you didn't and i think this is so much better, how you did this. I love that she effectively becomes him, and who he is to her. Instead of him meeting her with her having died at their first meeting - it's all the other way around, he's dead to her from the start but she still meets the other versions of him and oh gods, it's such a clever clever piece because of that.

There is nothing about this series that isn't wonderful.


hihoplastic February 12 2012, 18:15:28 UTC
Oh, thank you for such a wonderful comment! I really appreciate it.

I thought about making it a happy ending; I'm still vaguely considering an epilogue, but I'm not sure yet. This ending seems to fit the best, really, with the tone of the rest of it. I'm so glad all that stuff came through - her taking his place, their beginning/end role reversal.

I'm so so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you again! <3


vickysg1 February 12 2012, 10:19:40 UTC
This was a beautiful conclusion to this fantastic fic. I want to cry, I want to hug River and the Doctor. I love that she's taken over the Doctor's burden. River Song, in the Tardis, saving the universe.

Amazing fic, my dear! I loved it very much.


hihoplastic February 12 2012, 17:58:22 UTC
Thank you, darlin! I'm so glad you liked it. I want to hug them, too. And you!! Thank you so much for reading and commenting on all of these <3333 you're a star!


vickysg1 February 12 2012, 19:22:07 UTC
Thank you for writing it, darling! *tacklehugs* And just so you know, I've recced it on het_reccers. I just couldn't help it. I love it so much and I want everyone to read it!


hihoplastic February 13 2012, 01:24:51 UTC
Oh, wow! Thank you so much, love! *hugs madly*


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