[house & the pretender fic] tracing the years on your skin, pg13

Sep 22, 2009 10:18

tracing the years on your skin
- house, md & the pretender
- parker/cuddy, parker/jarod
- 2100
- pg13
- up through Island of the Haunted and season three of House.
- for darkchild1283, as part of a requests post. This...probably isn't even remotely what you had in mind. I hope you like it, regardless! I can try again to get something closer to your original ( Read more... )

challenge: request, genre: baby!fic, genre: all's well that ends well, fic: the pretender, pairing: crossover - parkercuddy, genre: angst, fic: house md, genre: crossover, pairing: tp - parkerjarod, length: one-shot

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Comments 14

darkchild1283 September 23 2009, 12:12:57 UTC
Hehe, you´re fast!

So... here's a very bizarre smattering of your requests!

2 in 1? OMG!!! And it works perfectly... You. Are. A. Genius. I &hearts it!

And, er, I hope you're okay with vague femslash. Cause I took that Cuddy/Parker pairing rather literally.

I don´t mind at all, actually I was hoping for it :) -- Cuddy/Miss Parker = Made of WIN.

Honestly, this made my day. Thank you very very much, what an AWESOME surprise!


hihoplastic September 23 2009, 15:03:50 UTC
Haha, thank you! I'm really glad you like it.

Parker and Cuddy (in a non-angsty setting) would totally kick everyone's collective ASS. Especially Jarod and House - the boys wouldn't stand a chance, hee. *g*

Thank YOU for requesting! It was really fun to write. :)


a_proclivity September 23 2009, 14:06:36 UTC
This... this is just amazing. <3. You have everyon down so well.


hihoplastic September 23 2009, 15:04:39 UTC
Thanks! It's been a loooooooong time since I wrote Pretender fic; glad to know everything hasn't gone out the window. *g*


darkrefuge September 23 2009, 15:19:47 UTC
Thanks for the fic schmeepy luv! It was so nice to see "old friends" again!

BTW, saw most of the season premiere of House... blech. I am not so sure I even want to watch it At All any more. *shrug*


hihoplastic September 23 2009, 17:22:10 UTC
Hee, no probs! It was fun to write them! Now I really want to watch tP again! Darn my DVDs being at home :(

Eh, I haven't seen it yet, and I'm not sure I care.


darkrefuge September 25 2009, 06:43:29 UTC
Yeah, not sure I care is exactly how I felt!

If you do see it, let me know what you think. *shrug*


hjsnapepm September 24 2009, 03:48:03 UTC
<3 <3 <3


hihoplastic September 24 2009, 04:15:29 UTC


faithinthepoor September 25 2009, 12:55:49 UTC
I enjoyed this very much. It made me want to go and watch all my The Pretender DVDs! Thank you for sharing.


hihoplastic September 26 2009, 08:25:33 UTC
Same here! I'm now dying for some Parker/Broots/Sydney lols. *g*

Glad you enjoyed!


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