Update 10/29: First post
here. I can accept about three or four more prompts if anyone's interested.
Update 3/6: I FINALLY FINISHED! Sorry to everyone because it took so long. This post is closed now, but I might do it again sometime!
That's right, the prompts post made a second appearance. I had a really good time writing the first ones and it was a great exercise to stretch my imagination and help me come up with ideas that I otherwise wouldn't have. So I decided to do it again before I start posting my next chaptered story.
It's basically the same as before. Each story will be moderately short, 800-1500 words or so, depending. If I have time I'll get
yarukizero to beta it, but we'll see. I'll write any pairing including: any Arashi member, Ikuta Touma, Kamenashi Kazuya, and Yamashita Tomohisa.
So what am I supposed to do? you might be asking. Comment here with what you want me to write and include at least one of the following the more the better, really:
Plot Point:
A line you want in the story:
An item/guest appearance you want in the story:
I'll post the stories in groups as I finish them, not advertising anywhere but this community, so check back! ^.^ I'll leave a reply when I finish.