Title: Ohno in Wonderland
Rating: PG-13ish
Pairing: Ohno/Everyone (specifically Ohno/Jun), Nino/Sho
Genre: AU, fantasy bordering on crack
Chapter: three
Disclaimer: I guess Johnny’s technically owns Arashi, huh? Not me.
Summary: Just like Alice, Ohno falls down the rabbit hole... only there are more familiar people there waiting for him than
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Comments 33
I can't wait for the next chapter!! The sakumiya moments are too cute!! AH!!
(I didn't commented on the first two chapters but it was cool from the begining!)
And as off this chapter,i really like it.Like you said,there's a lot more content in it.There are questions started popping into my brain as i read.Is Nino as bad as the Red Heart Queen in the real Alice in Wonderland or is he a kind one?And somehow i can't help but to feel there's something more than just being a dream.I mean,the one where Ohno dream of being a swordfish.Or maybe that's just my imagination overworking. xD
Hmm, I'm not really sure how to answer your second part. You'll have to read Nino's character a little bit more before you'll really be able to say whether he's good or not, and as for the dream... well, the same. It'll become a little more clear as the story comes to an end. If you still have questions then, I'll be glad to answer them .^.^
Thanks so much for reading and commenting!!
Thanks for your comment! I hope you like the rest of it as well. ^.^
Yes I will n.n And You welcome :)
Thank You
Wonderland-ish when Ohmiya takes a bath... that's a surprisingly nice compliment! I really like this scene because it shows Nino's character and his relationship with Sho a little more. And yes... even though Ohno is having fun, he misses his other friends. :(
Thank you so much for your nice comment!!
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