Title: Ohno in Wonderland
Rating: PG-13ish
Pairing: Ohno/Everyone (specifically Ohno/Jun), Nino/Sho
Genre: AU, fantasy bordering on crack
Chapter: two
Disclaimer: I guess Johnny’s technically owns Arashi, huh? Not me.
Summary: Just like Alice, Ohno falls down the rabbit hole... only there are more familiar people there waiting for him than Alice
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Comments 23
this is just genius, and i love that these characters are not merely caricature, but also feels like they have certain depth in them. sho is the most adorable thing ever and his wooden stick horse killed me. jun and his tea party. aiba the grinning ceshire cat <3. and neenerrr!!! and kame and touma and the setting and everything, just everything <333.
really can't wait for more of this <3.
Yes, in my head I actually wanted to create something new and not just have it be "Ohno is having a weird dream" and of course I had to do that through the characters, since this is Arashi and all. I loved writing that scene with Sho. ^.^ I actually didn't think Jun was quite as crazy as he should have been, but yarukizero said he was pretty insane. And Aiba... when I first came up with the idea, I was like no choice, must make him the cheshire cat. And Nino... Well, you'll see, right? ^.~
Thank you so much for your nice comment!!!
...I have no other words. This is THAT amazing...LOL when Oh-chan broke the cup...XD
AND SHO. I LOVE the random jab at his artistic skills...*drenched trees*
I'm REALLY hoping Nino is in a dress. XD That would make this crack-tastic story THAT much better! *flails*
I can't WAIT until your next update! <333333333333333333333333
And as for Nino, you'll see, right? ^.^
Hahaha. I can't help but laugh when I imagined Sho's clothes and his wooden horse. XDDD
Aiba as the grinning cat? AWESOME. \mm/ Jun must be so handsome as the hatter. :"> Hahaha.
Sho and Kame's fight over Ohno XDDD
I SERIOUSLY CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE! You are a genius, hon. Thank youu! ♥♥♥
Yeah, fail!Sho is always adorable, right? I loved writing that part.
And I had no choice but to make Aiba the Cheshire cat. Basically that decision was made before anything else. >.<
SHO JUST REALLY WANTS SOME OHNO, OKAY? XD Anyway, thanks again for your nice comment!!
It is really good!
It's very light and cute.
I felt bad for Ohno in the first chapter, but now he's having an adventure.
I cannot wait for the next chapter.
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment!!
cant wait for the next one
thank you so much for sharing <3<3<3
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