So this is my entry for the picspam challenge at
ff_minigames Username:
sai_salamander Class: Thief
Theme: Sacrifice | Favourite Scenes
Notes: Yep, this is pretty image-heavy alright. I am going to attempt to put them in chronological order... I expect no-one is shocked to see my favourite scene being one from FFX, haha. I would definitely have chosen something with Jecht and
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Comments 20
I think I need to go watch the Happy Ending for FFX-2, even if it technically ruins the poignancy of the ending in X.
(translation: Loved the picspam, bro! Hope life is treating you alright)
I love the super mondo ending for X-2, even though as you say, it ruins the poignancy. It DOES ruin it, but fuck, a happy ending is nice sometimes. Then again, I read somewhere around ff_land that if you whistle but say no, Yuna says something like 'you're in my heart anyway' which is EVEN SADDER OH MY GOD and I'm temped to do that next time XD (although I can't, cos I'm on my 100% playthrough still goddamnit).
THANKEE-SAI! Life is treating me well~ and that reminds me, I was gonna like, prod you into friending me on the meme but forgot *sieve memory* so: FRIENDS?!
Ugh, yeah, I watched the alternate Tidus ending on Youtube because I couldn't bear to say no. I mean, Yuna is right. Sometimes you get sick of losing all the time, and a ray of light (lol, Tidus pun) is sometimes needed.
I've not played Duodecim enough to have tried everyone out yet D: been too distracted by books and Suikoden (and now Dragon Age 2) haha.
I've still never seen the alternate one, but I really would kinda like to. You know, cos I can't get enough crying...
I didn't give a fuck about Tidus, but I felt SO bad for Yuna and Auron D:
I felt bad for Auron, but his ending was fantastic cos he got to be with his bros again <3
Thankee-sai! :D I'm glad so many people like it~
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