Consider the Hairpin TurnAuthor:
sagetan Pairing: Sam/Dean
Summary: Season Six AU - Sam's wall has shattered and the memories in his mind have splintered. When the Sam who remembers Hell tells him to go find Jess and be happy, Sam knows he can't stay while Dean needs him. But when the Sam from Hell says that Dean is already there looking for him, Sam leaves his memories of the pit behind to find him. What he finds is a life he doesn't remember: a house that he shares with his brother (and has for years), a law career he thought he'd left behind at Stanford, and a relationship with Dean he never dreamed he could have. Life is almost too good to be true, at least until Sam begins to hear his brother's voice calling to him, begging him to wake up.
Sam and Hell-Sam
Sleeping in the Impala
Notes: I had a blast illustrating the very talented
cherie_morte's lovely lovely fic for
samdean_otp, and I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did! Thank you for being endlessly patient and sweet and understanding, Elisa <33333