
Dec 17, 2008 22:50

Zance skips into the Nexus, a battered bag over one shoulder as she slips her PINpoint into her pocket.  she feels the locket she had gone back to her Pard house to get in her pocket still.  Her trip took her a little longer than she had expected.

Stopping she flops onto one of the couches as she slips out of her pack.  "Right... A question."  She rolls over almost catlike as she sprawls on the couch, giggling she smiles.

"Hide and seek, or Tag?  Which is your favorite game?"  She pulls the antique locket out of her pocket and dangles it above her head watching the light bounce off the bronze almost steam punkish looking charm.

"Alright alright, here's the real one."  She rolls her eyes and sits up.  "Since I know I have probably worried them... You think taking your two friends out to dinner to try to make up for it is a good idea?  Or should I lay low and let them both bitch me out about how dangerous my little stunt was?"  She closes her hand around the locket.  "Even though I made it back without even a scratch."
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