(no subject)

Jun 07, 2008 22:15

Those who know Lily might recognize the portal that's just opened up in the wall as hers.

But the figure that steps out of it is definitely not Lily. It's a...young boy? Oh my, could this possibly be Lily's child? Never mind the fact that anyone who can sense these things will be able to tell he's (mostly) non-organic; a newman adopting a CAST wouldn't be unheard of, after all.

He seems to have been briefed on the ways of the Nexus, as he only mildly winces at the Sign, pacing across to stand in front of it and clasping his hands behind his back, rocking up onto his tiptoes (he can see better that way; after all, he only barely comes up to Lily's knee, and she's exactly five-foot-two according to her last physical exam.)

He faces the Nexus, and speaks.

"Um..." He sounds uncertain, but for a first time in the Nexus, remarkably calm. "Miss Lily couldn't be here, because she's in the middle of a Guardians mission...but she wanted me to relay a message to all of you here in the..." He checks a data file. "In the Nexus," and he sounds very proud of himself now. "She wants you all to know that the SEED-Virus has been all but eradicated, there is now a vaccine to prevent it thanks to her own immunity, and that she's going to be okay now. And she says hi to Faye, and to Gen, and to..." He starts naming off a long list that is generally all the people Lily's ever associated with.

And now, it's time for his question. "But, with Miss Lily out on a mission, I'm really bored. What should I do while she's gone? I already tidied up her room, made sure her decorations were properly in place, and took care of her incoming mail. What does that leave?"

My, isn't someone an eager little helper.
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