Feb 28, 2008 21:56
The Turk has been wandering around the Nexus for a few days now. He carries an unused PINpoint device in his hand, every so often glancing at it with a wary gaze before returning to his idle walk. He refuses to stay here, even among some of the more "familiar" areas as opposed to the not so "normal" areas, yet he dares not to use the device given to him a few days ago. Not just yet anyway.
So instead he wanders the odd, diverse landscapings of the Nexus with a deep sigh permanently on his lips. A bit of awe and, anyone who knew him would recognize, a hint of annoyance constant companions to his facial features. He stops suddenly and asks the air. "All right. How do you operate this thing?" He holds up the PINpoint device. "How do you know what to input to get you to the right dimension?"