The Obligatory Valentine's LOL

Feb 13, 2008 10:54

It's been a while since this particular divine troublemaker has amused herself with visited the Nexus, so it may not seem very worrying when she walks in, carrying a few buckets of flowers. Spying a throne-like chair, she sets the buckets down beside it and settles in to observe the crowd for a few minutes before speaking.

"The use of flowers to symbolize feelings is an old custom in my world, and in Victorian times grew elaborate to the point of entire conversations taking place in floral arrangements. In what manner do you prefer to address affairs of the heart? And would you like a flower?"

((The Obligatory Valentine's LOL

No, not that one. This LOL, should your choose to accept it, gives your character a distinctly different view of the world. Each flower has a different effect, detailed below; the effects will last between 1 day and 1 week, at the mun's discretion. Enjoy!
  • Crocus (you are always happy and in pleasant spirits)
  • Yellow Daffodil (you are overwhelmed by feelings of chivalric love for the next person you meet)
  • White Jonquils (you are afflicted with narcissism)
  • Red Rose (you are suddenly a romantic, capital letter optional)
  • Pink Tulip (you feel the urge to be nice to everybody)
  • Purple Hyacinth (you are overcome with guilt and are obsessed with apologizing whenever possible for any wrongdoings in your past, real or perceived)
  • Violet (you are suddenly afflicted with unbearable shyness)
White Roses have no effect.))

((Love may be neverending, but my energy is not. Freya will reply when I have a free moment or two, most likely tomorrow afternoon.))
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