(no subject)

Nov 01, 2007 23:56

Oh look, it's a kitty. A fuzzy, black, curly-haired kitty sitting on top of a bundle of clothing and looking very cute and pathetic.

"Mroooooooow." He's also obviously a not-very-happy kitty. Look at that lashy tail.

He rummages around in the pile of clothes and somehow comes up with a pen and paper...how he's going to work the pen is beyond him, but he eventually manages to wedge it in between two of his toes and scrawl a barely-legible message.

How am I supposed to ask a question if I can't talk and barely write? He drops the pen and shakes his paw, that was damn uncomfortable and he doesn't want to do it again.

((After a bit of sleep and a bit of class, mun returns! Tag at will. :D))
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