Sep 04, 2007 21:27
The young man who drops from a portal onto a Nexus couch looks like a Kakyou. Right down to the golden, cat-slit eyes. The mixed bag of Japanese, English, and German cursing does not sound much like a Kakyou, though. He stands up and brushes himself off lightly, then adjusts his white trenchcoat.
For those who know what to look for, there are telltales that he has a gun under it.
"Is that damn thing following me?" he mutters to himself, looking around. He catches sight of the sign and shrugs. Fine, he'll ask a question. A dark smile curves his lips.
"Say you've been given the means to hide your intentions from an employer you strongly dislike. You've also become aware of their impending downfall. Would you just wait for that downfall quietly, or take the opportunity to vent a bit of your dislike for them?"