May 10, 2007 05:36
A mostly green-colored Net-Navi who may or may not (but likely does) resmeble another sits on a wall in the Nexus, kicking his legs as he smirks, satisfied with himself.
"Say you were once the kind of person who made a play at acting like you were someone else. Someone else who not only died, but never really had a chance to live. You were basically an echo of that person, yet not really them, and yet... you spent the majority of your life bound by that kind of limitation."
He grins wider. "But then, something happens to change that for you completely, and you get a new identity of your own. And as time goes by... you find someone else, in the same predicament as you..."
He laughs for a moment. "What does it mean if you're amused by the whole thing?"