He has a Ph. D. in everything else, why wouldn't he in this?

Apr 30, 2007 21:07

Richards had been keeping a low profile in the Nexus after the Iron Man debacle, but it was time for him to arrive once more.  He wears a mischievous, almost malicious grin.  "Richards must know...  Why do so many people here end up gender-swapped?  On Richards' Earths, that manner of thing happens, but is quite rare.  Does a subconscious desire to see what it's like guide so many into situations where it's likely?  Ricahrds could understand that, Richards supposes...  But, Richards wonders--how many fully explore their new bodies?  Based on Richards estimation of the level of self-control shown in the Nexus on a daily basis, Richards would guess nearly all, but perhaps Ricahrds is unfairly biased.  Not that Richards would blame you in this case--Richards curiosity would demand a thorough test of the way the new engine runs, as well.  For science, of course.  So, those who have been gender-bended, sit down and tell Dr. Richards', Sexologist , all about what you did and didn't do, and why."

(Obviously this has the potential to be not kid safe, based on what sort of responses I get.  You have been warned, and such.)
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