(no subject)

Aug 13, 2006 16:07

Preceded by a faint, mournful melody, the princess of Hyrule entered the Nexus. Her eyes were red-rimmed and slightly unfocused, her cheeks streaked with recent tears. Her long hair has been gathered into a tight crown of braids woven around a slender diadem. She wears not her usual gown, but a belted-on rose tunic and white leggings, fingerless leather gauntlets that look just a little too heavy for her hands, and soft leather half-boots. Across her back is slung a silver shield, its face polished to a mirror sheen, and the hilt and grip of an ornate sword pokes up behind her left shoulder.

Taking a moment to compose herself, she lets her weary gaze sweep over the nearby locals before she speaks. "On a matter with which one has only the bare minimum of personal experience, is it better to trust a long-held advisor who is similarly inexperienced, or a newcomer who is well-versed but offers counsel that seems unwise?"
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