I'm going to leave this public, because I'll probably cross-post it.
Comparing: Characters from ToS and ToA
Spoilers: Um, obviously. xD I've completed ToS and a fair amount of ToA, so there will be spoilers in terms of events and character development. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
So I don't kill your f-lists... )
Comments 4
I'm just saying, maybe you should reverse Tear and Natalia's positions. I've never thought of Natalia as the 'logical' choice. The logical choice is Tear, and only by some freak accident does Natalia get some nookie. This is compounded by the default Collete ending of symphonia and the LOLOLOLCANON of abyss's ending.
It was a tough call. I can see where you're coming from, but at the same time, I think Luke marrying royalty kind of makes sense. If Tear hadn't stumbled into his life, he likely would've married Natalia. Likewise with Lloyd; if Shihna were never introduced, Colette wouldn't have any competition. Tear and Shihna seem more comparable to me.
I'm not saying you're wrong! Believe me, I get the whole rawr canon angle. x3
You know, it makes sense. :O Who was the mommy? >3 *shot*
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