General information for My Life and Destiny

Mar 27, 2006 17:50

The diary of Sofie

Title: My Life and Destiny - The diary of Sofie
Chapter/part: Work in progress
Author: Saga “sagaluthien” Pettersson
Rating: PG-13
Characters: OFC- Camilla/Sofie (Sophie), OFC - Berlinda, Orlando Bloom, Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd
Warnings: None.
Beta: Bejay Roles brolga_23
Series/Sequel: A sort of sequel - addition to True Love Never Dies.
Link to True Love Never Dies; Master post
World count: is to be announced
Feedback: Who wouldn’t want any?
Feedback address:
Archive: Sagas_stories
Website: Saga’s World, when I consider the story finished
Author’s note 1: To understand best and in order to keep the story ‘True Love Never Dies’ from being spoiled, you should try to read that first. I will make a note before every entry of which parts of the story you at least should have read.
Author’s note 2: Some parts in the story are in Swedish and not always translated. If you really would want to know what it is please e-mail me.
Author's note 3: The day I have finished this story I plan to add it to the fanfic100 under the prompt # 7 days.
Table for Orlando: You will find here
Disclaimer: I don't know the actors that will and might appear in this fiction. I just have written it for my own amusement and fun. For me it is one way to exercise my English and see if I'm good at all getting things and ideas together. If you liked it I would be very glad to hear about it, even if there are things that I might need to improve. The girls are my own, so I would appreciate if you did not borrow them without my prior knowledge.
Status: Waiting for True Love Never Dies be finished

More info for every entry will be at every part/day.

Summary: This is the diary that Sofie has written in during her weekend in London. She went there partly for business and partly for vacation. She had decided to meet a few friends and go out and have some fun. What she hadn’t counted on was meeting an old boyfriend.

The diary is her inner thoughts and her expectations of what might happen. She has forgotten the book in the taxi she took to the airport, which finds it now in the hands of Orlando Bloom.

story:life destiny, masterpost, character:orlando bloom, character:ofc

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