Title: Strangers
Author: Saga Chriztine “sagaluthien” Pettersson
Fandom: Real people: Orlando Bloom
'verse: Orlando Journal
MasterlistPrompt: # 25 strangers, fanfic100 1/100
Word Count: 219
mleannephoenixTable for all enties:
Table hereAuthor's Note: I'm late to post this to my own journal, it was posted 14/8-06 to the challenge.I just now noticed I hadn't done it here.
Thoughts from me about them:
They are everywhere! Everywhere I turn, everywhere I go. They are always around me. These people that are strangers.
Most of them are unknown to me… which hey, makes them strangers, right? But I'm a stranger to them as well.
Though I think many of them do not see me like that. They study me through my films and interviews. They read about me in the papers, magazines and on the Internet.
That's why they don't see me as a stranger and think they know me.
But does anyone actually know me?
No one but myself knows me 100% and I doubt that I even I do. There always seems to be new things that I learn about myself.
Then there are, of course, my family, friends and the people that I work with that aren't strangers. Though none of them have learned everything about me. There’s always things I never tell or ever will tell.
I'm perfectly satisfied to just be me and perhaps continue to be “the mysterious guy.”
Everyone doesn't need to know everything about me.
I accept that with other people, so I would be happy if a lot people would accept that with me.
And I continue to be a stranger to the better part of the population.