Relaps 1/1

Jan 18, 2011 22:16


Title: Relapse
Author: Saga Chriztine
Written for all_unwritten 10/7-08
Prompt: # 308 Blistered
Fandom/Characters: RP, Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen
Warning: AU
Beta: Balrog
Author's note: These characters are borrowed from cynical_terror and her lovely story Chalk butterfly, when she had it as fanfiction. She has it now as a original story, and if you haven't read it please do it is so much worth reading. You find it at Amazon Here, Orlando-Alexander and Viggo-Daniel.
If you read this at sagas_stories you get the extended version.
Disclaimer: If it is a known fandom, star I do not own them. Originals please ask first if you would borrow any… It is written for exercise, fun and not to gain money.


It had been so good for a long time that he almost had forgotten how hard it was when it came back completely. He knew that he had only himself to blame, that he hadn't taken care of his hands and feet as he supposed to. Of course it didn't help that he had not been watchful when he was outside yesterday and he had slid on the ice and fell. It was now he had to pay, with that, his skin blistered fully where he had made contact.

With his tears running down his face, he sat in his bathroom, cut every blister that had turned up, opened them with the sterilized needle to get all liquid out. It was hurting and he knew it would take long before he would be back as good as it had become. He hated the winter. It always made his illness worse, because he more often couldn't keep his balance. That meant more contact when he reached out to hold on to things not to fall and that in its turn meant more pressure on his delicate skin.

Getting all cut, he cleaned and put extra salve on, wrapping both hands and feet up with Mepitel. Finished, he made a mental note that he had to buy more bandage. Absolutely now when he knew that he would need to continue to wrap his hands and feet twice a day.

Orlando would be happy as long as he didn't need to go to the doctor before his schedule appointment. To Viggo he would just say it is a minor relapse.

disability:epidermolysis bullosa, community:all unwritten, rating:g, character:orlando bloom, fandom:real people, type:au, character:viggo mortensen, verse!butterfly

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