Title: Greeting my Angel Prince,
Rating: G
Warning: Au, slash
Fandom: Real People
Character: Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen
Prompt: # Pensive
Beta: Huntress
Disclaimer: This is fiction, made up by me and I do not know the people. I also did not mean to offend any of them. I also gained no money or got any profit for writing this.
Author's Notes: This will be a part of so-called letters between Orlando and Viggo. The Viggo letters will be written for the
viggos_50 challenge that has deadline 20 October 2008.
For your knowledge: In this story, there is more than friendship between Orlando and Viggo, but both have their own careers that prevent them from being at the same place. This leads to them sending letters to each other.
Previous posted letters;
To My Angel,
Dear Viggo, Dear Angel, Dear Viggo, Not For Angels,
Dear Viggo,
Angel Death,
Dear Viggo, Suil melui ernil-nin,
I am happy what ever you want to call me, though I am long way from a God. I think I would actually prefer to be called Gwaur Echil, as that I was when we did meet. *Smile*
I am so pleased that you found my letter as good as yours. The thought of them makes me need to take a cold shower so I don't go around with a hard on and show the world how I adore you.
No counting please. It just feels like we miss out on too much and time is running out. I hate to be reminded that for every single day we get older, we grew further apart. It would be more interesting to see if this letter has the luck to reach you or I precede it. That is for our destiny to decide.
If I don't say any words when we meet again, don't be upset. I will let my action speak for me. I know that I will not be able to not touch you, hold you and make love to you. I yearn for you though. I miss you so much, my angel.
You are never far in my thoughts. There are times it gets hard to concentrate with you there in my mind. A few times I have decided that I rather think about what to write to you or just about you instead of focusing on the film. You can always guess the result. If it had been twenty years ago, I would never been able to say that I would meet such a person that could steal my thoughts away so completely. We do have to thank the lucky stars of how destiny laid our path. A few, but unmentioned people, sort of help us along the way. Without them where would we be?
I really would be without my big inspiration… My love.
Okay… I am going to start counting down to this set is closed… ten, nine, and eight…
Looking forward to see you… soon.
Lot tiden gå hurtigt, til jeg kan få krame om min elskling. Jeg elsker dig!*
/Viggo xxx
* I'm sorry if this isn't right... I'm not speaking my neighbour language and I didn't find any good translator.