Vampire Knight volume 11 bonus material - *DEAD FROM THE CUTENESS*

Dec 05, 2009 12:39

*rushes in*

I got VK volume 11 and am currently scanning the extra pages, will post sometime today. ^^/ (So just stay tuned~! :D)

But I just had to make a quick post to say this IMMENSELY IMPORTANT THING (for a Zero & Kaname fan XD) about the bonus artwork of volume 11. \\\*___*///



Before you nosebleed too much, it's not anything yaoi (XD *lol*), it's actually AU kindergartener Kaname cutely sitting in Zero's lap looking all innocent while reading a book. XD *lol* (Although the yaoi fans can certainly have fun imagining a version of this pic where they are all adults instead, with Kaname still sitting on Zero's lap to read... XD ♥)

Regardless of the non-yaoiness, my happiness at the IMMENSE CUTENESS and at the ADORABLE FLUFFINESS knows no bounds. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

The pic is amazing in how happy and ecstatic it makes me feel. XD It's just SO ADORABLE. Zero looks all wonderfully gentle and protective, while little Kaname looks all cutely serious (and adorable despite his usual kinda sad look, though it could maybe be taken as him pouting XD<3) as he reads his book (which looks like a children's book version of VK XD).

The choice of subject is such that it seems SO MUCH more like the type of thing you see me drawing rather than Hino-sensei, which amuses me endlessly as well. XD *lol* *wonders if maybe Hino-sensei follows fandom stuff* XD
This is SO the type of fluffy image I dream of seeing for VK that it makes me so bouncy delighted. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I must fan-color this pic sometime. XD

Also, kindergartener Yuuki and Aidou are in the pic too (Yuuki climbing on Zero's back and Aidou tugging at the tie of Zero's apron), but the splendid wonderfulness of Zero with chibi-Kaname on his lap blinds me to all else in the world and so I'm lost in glittery happiness and can't see anything else in the page. XD XD *rotfl*


Also, Kaname and the other kids are all dressed in cute animal costumes, complete with little ears and all. *melts*<3333333
Zero looks in charge and has an apron, and Hino-sensei says he's the day-care attendant (like a teacher and fatherly figure kidergarten person all in one. 8D)

*dies from the epic levels of cuteness*

EDIT: And onto a (slightly more coherent without all the Zero x Kaname fangirling XD XD *lol*) mention of what's in the volume:
Hino-sensei added some pages to elongate a bit two of the Kaname x Yuuki romantic scenes, and we also have as a chapter opening page the clean/full version of the Zero-laying-down-in-a-bed pic from before. :D
Plus cute comical stuff with Kaname, Yuuki and Aidou @ the Kuran manor. X3

EDIT: I'll upload the rest later after cleaning up/scanlating the added bits and the bonus etc., but I just HAD to get this page up first so that you could see its utter adorableness. X3

Behold, the adorable cuteness & innocence of
kindergartener Kaname
and his sweet & protective teacher/caregiver
Zero in an apron.

Protective Zero & pouty little Kaname ftw. X3 ♥♥♥

Yuuki & Aidou are adorable too. XD<333

Kaname is a little lion, Yuuki is a dinosaur, and Aidou is a fox (I wondered if Aidou was a kitty at first, then I saw the fox-like little tail X3), unless he is maybe a little wolf. XD

Yuuki and Aidou are a lot more like normal kids making a mess etc than the proper and all obediently studying little Kaname. XD *lol*
(Well, maybe it's just a book for fun, but seeing the age of the little trio, any reading helps with the studies, even if it's just a children's book. XD<3 *imagines Zero trying to make Yuuki and Aidou stop running everywhere so that they get to their reading too* XD)
Can you imagine Halloween with teacher/attendant Zero having to organize a trick-or-treat thing with those kids/the whole pre-school/day-care or kindergarten? XD
Kaname would be the obedient one holding Zero's hand and not running around, only going for the candy when Zero tells him it's okay and all, while Yuuki and Aidou (and potentially the rest of the kids XD) would be running all over the place and giving poor Zero quite the headache as he tries to catch them all and prevent them from disappearing or crossing the street and getting run over etc. XD;;
(I don't think he'd yell at them the way he yells at the Day Class since they're small, but can you imagine the glare of doom as he runs after them? XD *lol*
And I could totally see little Kaname offering Zero some of the candy to try and cheer him up while Zero is panting from running to bring back all the other kids. XD XD)

In my endless hope for peaceful fandom happiness, I can't help but also hope that the adorableness and sweetness of this pic would maybe help throw water to put out the flames of fandom bashing, as it seems that lately the more the story progresses slowly, the more people spend time pointlessly bashing characters and fighting each other. T___T People even ignore entire portions of the manga just for the sake of coming up with excuses to bash characters and accuse them of things that never happened in the manga. T_T (Something that as you know, never ceases to sadden me as the bashing and hatred ruin so much of the enjoyment of fandom. ^^;; *was very close to dropping out of the VK fandom various times over the past year because of being so fed up of how much bashing there is in the fandom* ^^;;)

Look at the sweetness of the Zero & Kaname interaction in that pic, at Zero's serene protectiveness over the kids (he also looks so hot and manly in the pic 8D<3 *wants to work at that kindergarten/day care/place*) and look at Kaname's adorableness sitting in his lap being all cute and innocent, and hopefully not even someone with a stone heart will be able to bash either of them without feeling deeply ashamed. X3

(...Hino-sensei could even have drawn it with the intent of bringing some peacefulness, actually... XD XD ♥ *lol*
After all, no author feels happy seeing hateful bashing of the characters they lovingly created, so she is anyway certainly among the many people wishing for fandom peace instead of all the pairing fights.)

Either way, as a fluffy little pic or as a message of peace, the pic is so utterly adorable, and I so hope it will fill people's hearts with warmth and put out anyone's urges to bash either of them. X3

EDIT: Okay, it's all scanned, cleaned and scanlated~! :D Sorry for the wait!

First, as I've said before and have to say again: I love the main trio and will fangirl them all. (My favorite pairings are for the most part Zero x Kaname and the trio together in a threesome, but I love all three of them.)
If you're one of the people who gets enraged when you see someone liking a character you hate, or who gets the urge to rush forth and flame whenever you see someone happy with a pairing you dislike, PLEASE refrain from bashing the character/pairing/person, regardless of who it is or why you think you can bash that character/pairing/person.
Don't attack anyone in the comments and don't bash anything or any characters please. ^^;

Bashing ruins the fun of fandom, and while I am a total pushover most of the time XD;; a really patient person, I've gotten to a point where I'm VERY tired of putting up with bashing, especially with the little time I have to enjoy VK stuff. D: So please, don't.

Unrelatedly, but also before I start, the nature of extras from a volume makes that if you haven't read the recent chapters or are following the releases in another country that's not at volume 11 yet, you should avoid this entry so you won't be spoiled. ^^;/ (Especially since some of those are added pages that extend scenes from the chapters, so it's not like the comical bonuses where you get mildly spoiled, those don't really make as much sense if you haven't read the chapters.)

And err, if you are an innocent creature or underage or something, please avert your virgin eyes from the commentary whenever there's a sexy moment in the story, a fade-to-black or a fanservice line. XD;;;;;; *lol* XD;;; Because those cause quite the fangirly reactions. 8D;;;;;;;
It's nothing bad, but... *cracks up pervy jokes amidsts all the fangirling* XD;;;

With that being out of the way, let's go for the lovely pages. X33♥

There's not too many bonus comical thingies in the volume (just one page and the kindergarten pic), but what this volume does has of extra material and eye-candy chapter openings, is still epic. XD
So the urge to just incoherently swim in a sea of happy fangirling at various things is huge. 8D *lol* *still so ecstatic over the adorable kindergarten pic* X333

You already say the cover back when I uploaded the preview image from the magazine, but of course, I scanned it from the actual book version like always as well. :D

I've endlessly fangirled the cover already when I posted the preview, so I won't repeat yet again my dubious jokes about Zero's hard rod 8D *is shot* erm, hunter stakes or anything. XD;;;;;; If you're curious, take a look at the scanlation post I did with VK 56 last month. XD *lol*

Incidentally, that little pendant thing on Yuuki's neck, red like blood and looking like a mini-vial... it wouldn't surprise me if it was indeed a tiny vial of blood, and if that was yet another intersting little thing in vampire culture like the fang pendants. :D (Whether for an actual purpose since even a tiny bit of pure blood is powerful, or simply for a more spiritual/romantic purpose of having the person close to you when you're elsewhere.)
That somehow makes me also fangirl my OT3 in the image as well, even though only two of the three are in it...from the idea that Kaname is maybe a little in there with them in the little vial too. 8D *is shot*
XD;; Sure, it would be even better for me if it was Zero leaning sexily over Kaname laying on his back there, while Yuuki and the rest of us fangirls XD XD stands nearby taking pics of them both or something, but well... XD *lol*

Btw, Hino-sensei is good at providing eye candy to make all sides of the fandom happy. :D
The contents of this volume may be mostly KxY but the cover is such lovely ZxY (even if I'd prefer them in a comfy sofa rather than with a stake over a coffin ^^;;), and it looks like Hino-sensei tries to make sure there's always covers for everybody... :D *hopes for a new fanservicey Zero & Kaname cover sometime in the future* 8D<3

*daydreams turn yaoi rapidly* XD *lol*

Btw, do buy the books, please!! ;-;//
Not only because series die if people don't support them by buying the books, but also because, I assure you, it looks so much better in the book. *spent a while trying to make the color get back to the way it was in the book and not washed out as it initially came off as* Color is always prettier in the actual official release books than it is in a scanned version. *always tries to fix the color to the best of it so it's back to it's original beauty as much as possible, but of course, the book itself is the best always*

That and the book versions have all the little modifications throughout the manga, which Hino-sensei does by finishing up the ink, adding more screentones etc in a bunch of scenes. I scan the added pages that have extra scenes etc., but you still have to get the book for the smaller details like the added screentones etc etc. :D ♥

Kaname looking sexy on the back cover.<3

The thingie that wraps around the book. They always have a main quote from the volume they wrap around, and this volume's one has Yuuki's very epic "taint me oniisama!" moment from chapter 49.

Btw, volume 11 goes from chapters 49 to 53, btw, for anyone wondering. ^^/

Have some endless fluffiness, this time literally "fluffy" for real, and not just from cuddly/cute scenes. XD XD *lol*

Yuuki is laying on Zero!wolf while holding Kaname!wolf/while he's laying on her. :D<3 *so happy at the peaceful threesome interaction, even if as wolves* XD

Now that we can see the full picture better, we see they're on the forest ground, against the foot of a tree and its roots. :D

They must be SO WARM in the winter. 8D Especially snuggling in between like that... aaah, the softness and utter warmth! *currently so cold, takes a blanket with her while at the PC* XD;

And now onto the inside of the book itself. :D

It starts VERY HOT as you can see. 8DDDD

Click for a larger version.

I almost forgot to scan that one, tragically. XD;; It's an image Hino-sensei drew for the teaser pics and to be a future chapter opening image, and they were right to make it the opening page for the volume, as it's so gorgeous. 8DDDD *drools at it*

You can see a bit of where the book binding glue died on Zero's arm etc. ;-;

Like I mentioned before, Hino-sensei added some pages to elongate a bit two of the Kaname x Yuuki romantic scenes in the volume.
We also have as a chapter opening page the clean/full version of that super sexy Zero-laying-down-in-a-bed pic from the teaser images before. :D It's short but it's gorgeous.

I scanned the extra pages including the images we'd already seen in teasers in the magazine, since that way you can see the clean and larger versions of the former teasers as well, (the magazine teasers are usually tiny and thus a bit blurry or hard to see even if I scan them larger. (The grain on the magazine pages makes that there's only so much I can do with scan and cleaning. XD; Same reason why the wolves & Yuuki image is not as clear as it could be, that's originally a small pic in the inner cover flap. D:)

We can only hope Hino-sensei will have sometime a personal artbook or a VK artbook so that we can have all those gorgeous images together in a larger size book that we can purchase and happily drool at on a shelf whenever we want to. X3)

So, onwards to the added pages. X3 They're inserted in between pages you've already seen in the magazine, so in cases where something was added at the beggining of a chapter etc., I scanned also the page you already saw before so that you can more easily situate where in the story the added pages come exactly.
Of course, it will be more fluid once the book is out in each of the countries you're from and you can read it in the book. :D So please make sure to either pick up the japanese release or the local official ones where you live. :D<3

The first extended scene was at the beggining of chapter 50. If you remember, in chapter 49, Yuuki and Kaname left the academy and eventually escaped to the secret underground of the Kuran manor to live there in secret while waiting to see if the vampire society was going to try to hunt them down over the death of the council or not (after the council organized the attempted murder of Yuuki and the Night class etc., and Kaname retaliated by attacking the council).
They had to wait for things to cool down a bit before resurfacing, which took a while during which Kaname negotiated with the vampire society and then eventually with the hunters for a peace treaty between the races as you remember from the recent chapters.

At the end of chapter 49, after Kaname confesses all he did to protect Yuuki, and she accepts him "tainted or not", they kissed and had that blood drinking scene etc., and then in the last two pages of the chapter, it mentions the time skip of a year, and we see Zero a year later, interrogating a vampire who was kidnapping children in the street. (That scene was scary back then because for the cliffhanger effect Hino-sensei didn't let us know if Zero was acting as a hunter normally of if he was just hunting any vampires innocent or not. ^^;;; And with what had happened before it was quite worrisome.
But it was wonderful to find out in the chapter after that one, that he was in fact as much of a proper hunter and law-abiding as usual, and wasn't going after any innocents. :D♥)

But back to 49 and 50, in the magazine, the next chapter (50) was already passed a year later in the story and would bounce back and forth between Yuuki (at the Kuran manor thinking of Zero and all the people she misses, writing to Yori etc.), and Zero and the chairman etc. back in the academy and the city where Zero is now living and all.
Incidentally, it's also THE chapter that introduced the wonderfully sexy trenchcoat!Zero. 8D Now older and somehow even more sexy. X3)

In the book version however, (while the last two pages of 49 also have the same stuff as in the magazine with the time skip and Zero killing the kidnapper), instead of continuing the same way as in the magazine, the first pages of chapter 50 start with three additional pages of the scene between Kaname and Yuuki, which you can consider a flashback by now since we've already seen that a year had passed since that moment.

Often, Hino-sensei will feel that she didn't cover enough or what she wanted to cover in a scene, and she'll make an improved or longer version of it for the book version. :D So it's always a treat to discover what changed and what was added and all. (It's not always something that happens with each volume, but whenever she feels she was missing something in a scene, either because she lacked the time to delve deeper before the magazine release, or because there wasn't enough room that month etc., she adds it later.
Many mangaka do that, but usually it's just cosmetic little screen tone and ink details, while Hino-sensei actually does whole improved scenes, so it's lovely for the fans of her series. :D)

So, the additional three pages pick up at the moment where Kaname and Yuuki were together in the corridor (Seiren ran off to give them privacy when they started kissing XD XD *lol*), and Yuuki had accepted Kaname's sins and all. Kaname is drinking her blood, while Yuuki is having that super-sexy gaze that he said no vampire could resist (XD), and she's also looking rather emotion-filled, which is not at all surprising considering all the roller coaster of stuff they just went through and the powerfulness of the moment and the things they've been discussing and all.

Err, even with all this rambling I'm not sure if it will be weird or not to have the pages just on their own so you might want to re-read part of 49 before reading the pages, otherwise it might feel a bit like "O_o huh? what part of who's body is what in those pages?" XD;;; *lol*

See what I mean? XD *lol* It's a bit weird to fall right in the middle of the stuff out of the chapter/out of the context of the book.

I found it interesting how he talks about that metaphorical forest within her heart, like the one within him... maybe it's the vampire nature itself, within each vampire, or maybe it's something more personal, like a kind of empty scary void that grew because they were apart for so long... and maybe that forest is less scary now that they can wander around in it together instead of being lost. :D

If you read chapter 49 recently you might remember that the square-shaped bubbles with the fancy stuff around are actually Kaname's thoughts in that chapter. (49 was the first time we saw stuff said from within his thoughts, since for the largest part of the story before Hino-sensei couldn't show his thoughts without blowing away so many of the secrets of the series, especially about Yuuki. XD;)

Btw, that's Yuuki's hand in the lower left frame, clinging onto Kaname's back, she was wearing that white travel dress/coat. ^^/

Also btw, in the top left frame, it's Kaname's tongue and Yuuki's neck, and I kid you not, he's got glisteny-sultry-screentoned sexiness on his tongue and lower lip. XDD<3 8D lipstick 8D

*fangirly giddiness at the extremely sexy look that effect had* (I love how Hino-sensei can make a vague glimpse of a tongue approaching a neck to be as sexy or more than SO MANY of the sex scenes in tons of other mangas* XD XD The blood drinking scenes in VK are all amazing.<333)

He actually lifted her 'princess style'/('bridal style' in the West, I believe). 8D<333333 *melts*

*fangirly happiness* XD

Err, again, please don't throw rocks if you hate Kaname. If it was Zero lifting Yuuki we'd all be fangirling too, so please live and let live the other fans. ^^;; Please respect that people can love several pairings, even pairings that other people may view as "rivals".
If you hate VK I don't know why you'd be reading this, but if you love VK and/or any of its characters, then please respect that other fans can love those characters and other ones too, in a variety of pairings.
Please focus on what you love in VK and not on the moments you don't enjoy. ^^;;

I can't help but have "PERVY TIEMS NAO PLZ?? \*0*/" automatic instinct response whenever a character touches another and there's a fade to black moment. *is violently shot* XD XD *rotfl*

The forest is deep... 8D;; *is shot some more*
*stops now before rolling down the gutter into some worse joke about what the two might be doing in those metaphorical forests* XD;;;

The chapter title also makes more sense with this added scene. :D Because the depths of the dark forest had been mentioned in the title, but now it's a lot more interesting now that we know that it was about the forest within themselves. :D

And then, after this page it immediatly picks up with chapter 50 as you knew it from the magazine (with the flying metaphorical chunks of letters that Yuuki was writing without sending), so as the time skip mentions, it jumps to one year later.

There was also a black & white version of the wolves-&-Yuuki-pic as the chapter opening for that chapter, but since I scanned the color one in this same post, I didn't do the b&w one too since it was the same pic in grayscale but with otherwise no difference.

The next added scene is in chapter 51. It's not exactly a whole added "scene" per se, but Hino-sensei lenghtened a dialogue between Kaname and Yuuki, adding some stuff in an already existing page and adding one more page just for an additional two bubbles + fade to black. PERVY TIEMS NAO PLZ?? \*0*/ *is shot*

I know the fade-to-black is to enhance the sense of "important moment/dramatic scenes/intimate things" and all that stuff, I'm of course just joking when I say the "pervy times now" thing. XD XD *lol* BUT I STILL WANT TO WRITE FICS of those fade to black moments. 8DDDDDDD *LOL*

XD XD It's not my fault, Hino-sensei killed me with the fanservice in this scene:

*ahem* 8D *clears voice*

Yuuki said... Yuuki said...

"Is it okay if I go on touching you..."


"Is it okay if I go on touching you..."


"Is it okay if I go on touching you..."

*DIES* XD XD XD *lol*

The only way this could be any better was if Zero opened the door suddenly (in the trenchcoat too! XD wearing nothing beneath XD XD) and said something like "Huh, I changed my mind about purebloods, you two wanna have a threesome?" XD *is shot*

Also, if Yuuki wasn't touching Kaname's face but another part it would be nice too. *is shot more*

Knowing Yuuki, she must have meant something totally innocent and is not at all be thinking about touching other parts of his body, but............. 8D *LOL*

Seriously, Kaname sure has epic patience and restraint. XD *lol* Especially in such a moment, and with all the stuff going on. (If you remember, starvation, having difficulties with his control due to being wounded, and so on. XD Him not jumping her now is epic proof of how much he cares and respects her.<333

That and of how much he realizes that even when she says something like that, it's not an invitation to rush things or anything... XD *lol* It's both frustrating and so cute as well, in a way...
However, of course it would be great if there's more fanfiction of those "things not being rushed" anyway, regardless of them not rushing it in the manga. XD XD *lol*)

Onto more serious ramblings about the chapter, aside from the addition of the "can I touch you" element and all its delicious fanfiction-inducing urges, there was a more significant change in the text Hino-sensei did: It might be because of the guilt Yuuki was feeling in that scene, and that goes more in depth in the next chapter (Hino-sensei might have felt that she didn't portray that deeply enough in the magazine version), or it might be because Hino-sensei feared that having Yuuki say a line like "I want to be by your side forever" right by the middle of the series gave away too much too early or might be detrimental to the love triangle (a part of the Japanese fandom was convinced for a while that it was completely over with the love triangle, and when Yuuki mentioned she still had part of her heart attached to Zero, they flipped out in reaction XD; so it could be that the editor asked Hino-sensei to make it more ambiguous in the book version so that people wouldn't give up on Zero's side by assuming that since Yuuki is with Kaname the series is 'over' or something ^^;;;), since for series with love triangles generally they try to keep the potential of both sides going for as long as possible since that makes the series popular to fans of both the guys.

In any case, whether it was to make Yuuki's feeling of guilt more apparent (this is after all just before the chapter where she goes and says she isn't worthy of being kissed by Kaname since he harbors feelings for both him and Zero at once, so she's pretty shaken by all the guilt she's feeling at that moment due to the feelings for them both)or to make stuff more ambiguous, in the original line in the magazine it all fit in one page but in the new version for the book, instead of simply presenting her wish/telling Kaname directly that she wants to be with him, she words it more as something she's trying to ask Kaname if it's okay rather than saying "I want" this or that), and the scene lenghtens as it fades to black in the second page.

I vaguely wonder if the "touching" thing was just for the sake of the lovely fanservice, or if it was for a more deep and partially innocent intimacy. Probably both, though the fangirl side of me is still giggling at the deliciously fanservicey possibilities due to that bubble. *lol* 8D *is shot*

The whole fading to black with the mention of touching inevitably gets me all fanfic-craving, hahaha~! XD XD;;; It was bad enough with just the romantic fade-to-blacks, but after that line... XD XD *lol*
However, the next chapter picks up just afterwards, with Kaname expressing his surprise at her question and saying that even though she has two people in her heart he's completely fine with that, like in the magazine version of the chapter, so we know that they didn't have anything sexy going on in the fade to black moment, but still. XD *LOL* XD XD

*fanfiction urge anyway* XD XD

Incidentally, this is THE volume with that epic moment where she bites him and he looks orgasmic. 8D<3
This and chapter 36 are probably the most epic (and some of the most vulnerable) faces Kaname has made in the whole series... *SO WISHES he hadn't remained looking so stoic when Zero bit him* XD

If you remember the early volumes, Aidou had explained (in a quite pervy & innuendo way, actually!) that being bitten by the person you love gives physical pleasure... so the sensations Kaname receives when he is taken 8D bitten by Yuuki must be completely different from the ones he got when it was Zero taking 8D *is shot* him instead, since the feelings are obviously different... but...

*is torn between lamenting the tragedy of Zero and Kaname not being canonically in love in the series (XD;;;), or instead nosebleeding colossally at the mind images of what it might have meant for Kaname to submit himself to Zero's bite even though, technically, for a vampire... XD Well, you can imagine what that moment must have felt like for him being bitten by Zero instead of Yuuki, if when a vampire is being bitten by their loved one it feels like being pleasurably claimed by your loved one...* *explosive nosebleed* 8DDDDDD

*ends up nosebleeding a river and floating off to her happy fangirly cloud of Zero x Kaname yaoi delight* 8DDDDDDDDD

*floats back down after a while and attempts to remember where she was of the ramblings* XD;;;

OH YES. We were getting to the Zero fanservice. 8DDDD ♥♥♥♥

Well, as you know from the contents of this book, this is mostly a volume of Kaname x Yuuki content due to what's been going on in the story, though it also has some epic moments for the trio as a whole or as a triangle, such as Yuuki's explanation that she also has feelings for Zero, and the scene where the chairman and Zero talk about various things, which has some really important points too, or the scene where Zero saves the little girl etc.

So, there's still some lovely Zero eye-candy in the volume, like those moments and the cover etc... and this image now. 8D *drools*

I uploaded it with the two pages so you could see the whole thing and the feel of it, but of course, here's the larger version to drool at just after too, just scroll down for it. 8D

I think the fully black page makes it more dramatic... though I'd hoped Hino-sensei would have had the time to draw a little something to put in there like those tiny dark-page little images back in volume 1.

Larger size:

The duality between the look on his face (and the reaching hand), but the gun on the other hand... ;-; augh, it's at once tragic and beautiful, angsty and sad, worrisome but fangirlable, and so many things depending on whatever happens in the future of the series. ^^;;

Actually, there's SO MANY things in VK that are viewed with such a different outlook after we find out more stuff: for example, if you re-read the series from the start after finding out about Yuuki's truth in volume 8, it feels SO different. Same about some of the scenes that Hino-sensei revisited to show more of what was going on, in chapter 48, and so on.

I think that once the series ends also, we'll be able to go back to read from the start feeling so different about so many things, including so many of the dramatic images, that will feel different depending on what happens in the end of the series. ^^;
Hopefully we will be coming back to revisit it all with delighted fangirling, and not bawling our eyes out because it ended horribly tragically or something. ^^;;;;;;

This image is at the beginning of chapter 53, btw.

There's also the following added page, of feathers splattered with blood, as a call-back to the cosplay contest image Hino-sensei drew for the person who asked for the cosplay pic with their idea with the angel wings etc.
That image was reused as a black & white cover opening for this chapter (though you already saw the actual color version of it ^^/), hence the feathers.

With the other page at the start of 53...:

That empty whiteness at the bottom of the page is where they had the character list etc. in the magazine version. XD

...And as an individual page, though it's just a feathers page. XD *wishes there was sexy Zero being sexy under the feathers in it too* XD

Hino-sensei's freetalks in this volume were almost entirely about her trip to Germany early this year, but she did also talk a bit about other stuff: She said she couldn't say exactly how many volumes are left in the manga, but she confirmed that we've now entered the second half of the series.
She'd already mentioned in an interview a while ago that this would be the second main arc and that the part before was what she considered the first main arc, but it was a while ago and it's nice to see her confirm it again. :)

She said also that after volume 12 the pace of the series should become more normal again (or at least she said that it's what she intends to do XD), so the people currently unhappy with the pace of the intermediate stage at the beginning of the second half of the series will probably be glad.
Note she didn't say it would necessarily go at a faster (or slower) pace, but that the pace would be more in sync with the events in the story.
(Perhaps she means in sync because for a while we had events that happened over only 2 or three days in the story but that had actually lasted several volumes (many months for the readers), and shortly afterwards we had a jump of a whole year and all in the story, so for a while the pace between the time and the events was not exactly normal, but as things progress perhaps it will be more regular.)

For anyone curious, if the pace change is indeed more noticeable after volume 12 as Hino-sensei mentioned (whether or not it stays at a similar speed), and if volume 12 has no bonus chapters, it would probably have 5 chapters in it, meaning the pace of the series might be changing more or less around chapter 59, in February next year if there's no interruption month or anything... ^^/

Cutesy happy Yuuki with sunflowers, from one of the teaser pics, now as a cute bonus in the book version. :)

I wonder if the Kuran manor garden has sunflowers... it's not a very vampire-like flower, by far, but it seems strangely fitting for Yuuki, and even more so for Juri, so perhaps they have some growing there...

And this hilarious bonus. XD<3333

XD Actually, I wonder if Kaname is just teasing or if maybe he actually does believe that possibility. XD *LOL*
He used to be all paranoid about Yuuki dying from a cold or anything due to humans being so fragile after all. XD;;

Either way, it's so cute and funny. XD

And you've already seen the last bonus in the volume, the ADORABLE kindergarten picture, but I have a little thing to add to it in the form of two simple wallpapers of the pic, for anyone wanting a quick wallpaper with the image. :D

1280 x 1024 (normal)   || 1440 x 900 (widescreen)


(It's the same image, just two different sizes. :D)

I can't stop drooling at Zero's broad manly shoulders. XD *lol* He just looks so good in the pic, and the fact that he's next to a bunch of little kids makes his shoulders and arms etc. be so much more obviously manly and adult in contrast, making it even more noticeable than in a page where he's around people his age or older.

Also in contrast, little Kaname is so cute that I just want to have a plushie of him or something. XD XD SO TINY AND ADORABLE. XD XD

Though I'd of course LOVE an adult Kaname sitting on Zero's lap reading something kinky instead (fanfiction anyone? 8D~~~ *drools*), but this pic is just so cute and innocent that I can't even think too much of that for now, the chibi-innocence manages to melt away even my depraved self. XD *LOL*

Of course, when I look away from the beacon of adorable innocence sitting on Zero's lap there, I can run off to imagine an adult Kaname on also-adult-Zero's lap, hahaha~ XD *nosebleeds*

And this is it, though I'll certainly be fangirling the adorable kindergarten image more and possibly coloring it and/or hopefully finding time for fluffy sweet fanfiction from that image, or for not so innocent fanfics from the fade-to-black moments in the volume maybe, or for an adult Kaname and Zero reading moment. XD *lol*

Please don't forget to buy either the japanese VK books or your official local releases~! :D ♥

That and please please please, if you feel like bashing any of the characters, just breathe deeply, take a look at the cuddly kindergarten VK pic and feel the fluffy cuteness instead? XD;;; *hands virtual little santa hat in hopes the season might also be of help in making things more calm and peaceful* XD;

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