A bit of random Gintama Fanfiction.
Fandom: Gintama
Characters: Joui 4 (past)
Rating: T/M (mild to strong violence)
Disclaimer: I don't own Gintama, alas. I wish I would.
Notes: My iPod gave me the longest song it had, oh God. Unbetaed. Comments, critique and suggestions always welcome (as well as betareaders who'd like to proofread, too). I apologize in advance for the emoness. Enjoy!
1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them~.
1. American Dreaming by Dead can Dance
He watched her walk away from a distance. The night had been long, but not as long as the day and with much less blood in it. Gintoki sighed. He was barely able to lay sight on a beautiful girl in these days, with the war forcing most people to leave the little villages whenever the Joui fighters approached. Rebels, we are rebels now, he reminded himself. Not anybody a beautiful young lady like the one which had just left the little bar he was drowning his sorrows at would ever even want to look at.
He wondered if anyone of them would ever find somebody. Probably not Sakamoto, with his overwhelming stupidity or Takasugi with his eternal mixture of smoking, sulking and being aggressive. But maybe Katsura, who looked almost like a woman himself…if you weren’t exactly staring at him over the tip of his sword pointed at your throat that was.
2. Echoes by Pink Floyd (now here we go for the long one…the song is almost 17 minutes!)
The signal was floating through space, a quiet, constant sound lingering between the stars. It went past lifeless rocks, giants made of ice or entirely of clouds. Dead balls of stone, planets filled with the life of creatures so strange some humans would not even recognize them as such. And then it was cuaght on a planet so blue it was like an emerald in the darkness.
Sakamoto laughed. He had built this little device out of scrap they’d found in one of the Amanto’s deserted houses. He liked to play around with those little pieces of alien technology although often his comrades regarded him suspiciously, especially now that the tiny radio was playing little peeping noises.
“Gintoki! AHAHAHA, Gintoki, look at that!” He dragged the unwilling white-haired samurai through the door and pointed at the device. “Look, those are signals from space! Isn’t that fantastic?”
Gintoki made a sour face, rubbing his white perm with the right hand. “Great, Tatsuma, really. Now can I get back to my food please? This stupid noise is making my head hurt…”
The only other guy in their group which had a perm almost as annoying as his own (although in brown), completely ignored the words of his comrade and sat down instead.
“Aw, but Gintoki! Look, I can even change the sound…” Loud screeching filled the room as he turned one of the little knobs.
“Shut the damn thing up, will you, idiot!” Gintoki shouted angrily over the noise as he clasped his hands to his ears to escape the terrible sound.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, sorry!” Quickly, Sakamoto turned it off.
And that was that.
Only later, when they sat down outside in the cool night after dinner, Sakamoto mentioned it again. “But really, don’t you think this is fascinating? There’s somebody out there, sending out signals. I’d like to know what they mean. I’d love to know where they come from…”
Gintoki turned around and saw the sudden longing in his comrade’s eyes.
“Probably just a stupid granny in the next city who forgot to turn her alarm off…come on, let’s go inside and try to get some sleep. Tomorrow will most likely be harsh.”
When he was lying on the hard floor, the idiot snoring happily beside him, Gintoki thought that he might lose his friend sooner than he had thought. Not to an Amanto’s weapon, no (although that was always a possibility, especially tomorrow), but to the stars and the open sky.
And somewhere, deep down in space, the little satellite continued sending its meaningless little signal out into the vast ocean of nothingness.
3. Winter is Coming by Ramin Djawadi (Game of Thrones OST)
Snow fell, the flakes tumbling down and turning everything into a quiet, white waste. They covered the cut-off head, put a layer of grey on the fresh pool of blood, making the entire scene even more unreal. But it couldn’t cover up the wounds in their hearts, nor could it drench their anger, their thirst for revenge. Takasugi clenched his fists, stopped his thoughts, listened to the awakening of the beast within him for the first time.
4. The Great Gig in the Sky by Pink Floyd
He had never heard them singing before. Katsura turned around from his little desk, towards the fire that some of the men had gathered around. One of them was singing a song from his homeland, down in the far south. It seemed strangely out of place, a song that was probably meant for a merry gathering and a lot more alcohol than they had here (which was basically none). But somehow, it seemed to soothe the men’s minds. Some even started humming the tune and there was even some laughter amongst them.
Katsura smiled and shook his head, trying to concentrate on the battle plans for the next day.
He hoped it would ease their hearts, give them a tiny little bit of peace. Not that it mattered much. Most of them would be dead by tomorrow evening, anyway.
5. Death of A Martian by Red Hot Chili Peppers
“Hey, how’s your sword looking?” Gently, Takasugi nudged Gintoki into the side. The whetstone in the white haired-samurai’s hands slipped, nearly cutting off some of his fingers.
“Oi Bakasugi, try being a bit more careful next time!” he mumbled, carefully setting the blade aside.
“Sorry.” Takasugi sat down next to him, his own sword balanced on his knees.
“It’s alright. Should be sharp enough to cut through some armour now…I wonder how many it will be.“ And I wonder how many of ours dead, he added quietly in his mind. I wonder how many broken swords, broken bones, cut bits of skin. But there was no point in worrying. Whatever happened, happened, even if it would turn his heart to stone.
6. Darts by System of A Down
He was slashing through his foes, sword hacking right and left, cutting up bodies so quickly everything was nothing more than a blur. He barely even felt the pain of his wounds, of his strained body that had fought for too long, seen to many deaths.
And then he laughed, laughed because for once, he was enjoying the red flowing around him, letting the screams drown out the whisper of the voices, the howling of the beast in his head.
7. All for One by Qntal
The footprints were nothing more than a blur in the snowstorm, the drops of blood barely visible. Sakamoto hesitated; there was probably not much use in following them any longer. Still, he finally kept on walking along their shaky line. He found what he’d expected to find: a dead body, slumped against a tree. If frozen to death or killed by blood loss he couldn’t say. It wasn’t important anyway.
He turned away. It was no use trying to bury this man, the ground wasn’t visible and hard as stone. He would sit there until the spring or some wild animal found him, returning him to the ground they’d all came from at some point. He didn’t even weep, there were no tears left to cry, for none of them.
This was what war meant although it shouldn’t. But it was what it all came down to anyway. And the stars seemed to be shining brighter every day, promising a different cold besides the snow and the loss of lives.
8. Nothing else Matters [Live] by Apocalyptica
It was the day he had lost his eye. Screaming, howling, blind with pain, they had dragged him back to the house, held him down whilst they took out what was still left of the eye ball. They tried to stitch him up, but still, they were barely able to stop the bleeding. Finally he had lost consciousness, welcoming the darkness as an escape from the unbearable world outside. Here, he didn’t need to be able to see anything.
Later, much later when he had gone through the fever, had been so close to death and finally woke up with a clear mind again, he had changed. Nothing mattered much now - he knew that in the end, he was only fighting for one reason and that this reason was long dead. All he could do was draw his sword and go on, spreading blood on the earth which would never be able to fill the hole in his soul. Nothing could; but still, it made the emptiness ache a little bit less, if only for a moment.
9. Take it all away by RED
Gintoki was watching the stars. They glittered in the sky as if they didn’t care what was happening on earth. Well, they probably didn’t.
He wished that somebody would come and take away all the pain, all the emptiness inside him and fill it again with the warmth he had once felt. It had been more than a year that he’d seen his master’s head on the ground, looked into Zura’s and Takasugi’s faces and seen that they felt the same. He wondered if anybody would ever give him another home. What where they fighting for? Suddenly he knew he wouldn’t find here what he was searching for so desperately.
Only new memories could take away the hurt of the old ones, add new colours to the grey painting of his heart. Not memories like those made in war, no, not the ones of more and more people dying every day. What he needed was a smile, a warm hand, laughter that had nothing to do with sadness. Something to protect.
10. Evil Angel by Breaking Benjamin
They descended upon them like a swarm of angry crows. There were only a few Amanto and they weren’t prepared for the attack at all. They swiped them away in less than an hour, with only a few losses on their side, the drug of victory flowing through their veins and making them scream with excitement. It felt good, as good as ending a life should never feel. But when Takasugi looked at the broken and twisted bodies in front of him and at the faces of his Kiheitai, he knew that most of them were thinking the same: that it was justice they had done here. He didn’t care about right or wrong anymore. The Amanto had finally paid for everything.