Title: Glances Into the Heart's Connections - Hero
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters/pairings: Ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A series of oneshots about any and possibly all of the Kingdom Hearts cast.
Warnings: n/a
Notes: Old writing, from way back in the day, in it's mostly original format (very minor corrections may have been made)
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Theme: 68. Hero
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Hayner was always the Hero. Olette was always the Princess. Pence was always the Sidekick.
They ran, laughing and shouting through the streets of Twilight down, swinging foam Struggle bats with a lot of enthusiasm and not a lot of skill. Hayner the Hero, with Pence the Squire, or Pence the Bard, or Pence the Court Magician, off to save the beautiful Princess Olette from the evil Lord Seifer his Royal Guardians, Rai and Fuu, and the Dark Wizard, Vivi.
Over buildings, and under buildings, and between buildings, there was no place unknown to them, there was no place where Lord Seifer wouldn't make his dark fortress, and there was no place the Great Hayner and Wise Pence wouldn't follow. Sewers, rooftops, alleys, abandoned shops, the junk yard, the train stations, the woods, even the bare space before the towering Mansion.
The game changed over the years, as they aged and lost interest in childish play, but it never quite stopped. No one of them would admit that, even during the Struggle tournaments, they all saw the Great Hayner facing off with the Dark Knight Seifer in a battle to the death.
Then they met a real Hero.
A boy, their age, maybe even a bit younger, but with eyes that spoke of far away places and long-unseen friends. Unafraid to laugh, unafraid to cry, torn between all he wanted to be, and all he needed to be.
They met a real Princess.
A girl so pure of heart she could be nothing but, slim and lovely and looking for those she had lost. Sad with the loss of those she sought, happy with the gain of new friends, and always, always, looking beyond the walls of the Usual Spot towards a horizon they could only dream of.
They met real Sidekicks.
A duck and a dog, as intelligent and living as any person. A magician and a knight who gave advice, who gave support, who laughed, who argued, who spoke of a far-off castle, who spoke of a King, and in the end, who followed the boy to the ends of the universe.
They met real Villains.
Black coats and hair of fire red, hair of moonlit blue, two men none of them could so much as touch with their Struggle bats. Odd, inhuman white beings that twitched and floated and sank into the earth and disappeared and reappeared and were never the same twice. Dark figures with yellow eyes and hungry mouths that clawed and bit and scratched and tore and had even more variety than the white things.
Hayner had always been the Hero. Olette had always been the Princess. Pence had always been the Sidekick.
Then they learned that all of their play was nothing compared to the real thing.