Title: Glances Into the Heart's Connections - No Time
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters/pairings: Ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A series of oneshots about any and possibly all of the Kingdom Hearts cast.
Warnings: n/a
Notes: Old writing, from way back in the day, in it's mostly original format (very minor corrections may have been made)
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Theme: #24 No Time
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Saïx frowned when he saw the newest member of the Organization further down the hall. He hadn't been in the castle when the blond was inducted, but he had heard from Axel about the man's fight with Xemnas. Apparently, the five minutes they were all supposed to last against the Superior meant nothing to him, for Time was his to control. He had simply jumped the entire world ahead five minutes and asked politely for his own cloak.
Not that being able to control Time isn't useful, the berserker thought, speeding up a bit to catch up with the shorter Nobody. But I'd rather know if he can actually fight. He followed him around a corner, into a long, wide hallway lined with windows along one wall, then spoke up. "Ten, a word."
Luxord turned around, one pale brow going up. "You must be Seven." The blond said pleasantly. "Xemnas told me you'd want to meet me when you returned."
Saïx acknowledged this with a nod. "I heard about your... fight, with the Superior." He replied.
Luxord smiled faintly. "You don't think it was a fight at all, do you?" He asked.
"I only wonder," Saïx explained. "If you're capable of anything beyond the manipulation of Time."
Luxord's smile grew utterly devilish as he held out his hand. In his palm, there appeared a deck of cards, utterly harmless pieces of cardboard to Saïx's eyes. He watched, wondering if he was being mocked, as the blond sprang all but a few of the cards from one hand to the other, then held up the remaining ones in a fan. There were four, three with a blue pattern of the Nobody symbol, and one with a single curving red heart. "Find your heart, if you can." Luxord intoned, snapping the fan shut, then opening it again with the card backs towards Saïx.
Saïx frowned again, eyes ticking between the smirking Nobody and the cards. Luxord hadn't even shuffled the cards around before presenting the choice, but the berserker highly doubted the heart was in the same spot. Wondering, literally, what Luxord's game was, he raised his hand, hesitated, and picked one of the cards.
A three of 'Nobody's'.
A second later there was a flash of white light and Saïx felt himself changing. He tried to lunge at Luxord, to make the spell stop, but all he did was stumble stiffly forward, the change complete. He couldn't figure out exactly how he was different, but his limbs didn't want to move in any direction, and he felt rather... flat.
Luxord grinned, stooping to pick up the card Saïx had dropped before turning and continuing down the hall again. "It'll wear off in a moment." He called back over his shoulder before disappearing around the corner again.
Saïx snarled mentally, aware that his mouth wasn't capable of moving. He could move though, a clumsy sort of rocking hop as he turned himself towards the window to see what he had become.
The reflection showed him to be a six-foot playing card with a very realistic depiction of himself on the front and Saïx no longer doubted Luxord's ability to defend himself.