Title: The Gunblade Won't Shoot Underwater, Squall
Fandom: KH
Characters/pairings: Leon/Ariel
Rating: PG
Summary: Leon has a growing obsession. Aerith tries to talk him out of it
Warnings: Crack.
Notes: Old writing, from way back in the day, in it's mostly original format (very minor corrections may have been made)
o o o
"You don't belong there, Leon."
Aerith, speaking behind him, but what did that matter. He had to go. He needed to go.
"Leon, this is insane! It's not like someone that lives across town, she's on another world! She belongs there, and you belong here!"
He was just going to watch. Nothing more. Watch her and maybe let her come close enough to talk and maybe let her hang around enough to make him smile.
"What if the worlds are closed again? What if you can't get back there any more?"
Watch her swim, that lovely hair flowing behind her like a banner, watch her smile at him and slowly approach, nothing overt, nothing blatant.
"What...what if they're locked while you're there, and you can't come back?"
The soft sob is what gets him, and he turns to the young woman behind him. A sister, a confidant, a friend, his first lover, back when they were teenagers and clumsy as all hell. Not that the affair had lasted long, but it meant a sort of closeness, a bond, though her heart belonged to Cloud and his had once upon a time belonged to Rinoa.
"I'll come back, Aerith. I promise."
Her shoulders are trembling under his hands and he realizes that she's furious. Furious with him, furious with the little princess that had stolen his attention, furious with Cid giving him permission to use the Gummi-ships, furious with Sora telling them about the strange underwater world - You guys should check it out sometime. Being half-fish is pretty fun.
"But you'll just leave again!"
And he would, he knew. He couldn't stay away. Something about the sea-princess called to him, and he was powerless to deny the feeling. The transformation was difficult, water spells were very much not his field, but he managed. And he swam, and found her as she was playing with her fish-friends, or singing or flitting about some sunken ship, looking for artifacts from the world above the surface. She would smile at him, and sing a little better, or ask him to help her pry open the door to a ship's hold, or ask him to judge who could swim faster, her or the dolphin?
"You'll leave, and every time, you're gone for longer and longer!"
She knew that he didn't belong. She knew he was from another world. And she didn't care. She still smiled at him and let him hover on the edge of her activities and he would keep going until the worlds closed again. After that, well, there was always the gates of darkness. He would find a way.
"You don't belong there. It's not your world."
Maybe it was a case of opposites attracting - she, so bright and open, he, so withdrawn. She, a princess of the water, he, a commoner with a knack for fire. How had this happened? Why had he let it progress so far? Why couldn't he deny himself the joy of seeing her again?
"The Gunblade won't shoot underwater, Squall."
No, it wouldn't. The only downside to these trips. That, and the fact that Aerith grew more and more angry and afraid every time he left.
"I know."
A final squeeze to her shoulder and he leaves her, climbing into the Gummi-ship's cockpit. She watches him, despairing, but he turns his eyes towards the sky. He knows what star to aim for, and picks it out from the heavens. A little blue world, with more ocean than land, where the sea-king ruled and his daughters played.
Maybe this time, Ariel would ask to come back to Hollow Bastion with him.
Maybe he'd say yes.