Title: Issues: The Beginning, Ch9
Fandom: Issues
Characters/pairings: Ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A group of college students find a way to travel to other worlds.
Warnings: Mary-Sue self insert with bad characterizations.
Notes: Old writing, from waaaaay back in the day, in it's mostly original format (very minor corrections may have been made) This Chapter was written by Fira Flame.
o o o
Keeren groaned as she opened her eyes. A small shred of light filtered through her eyelids and burned at her. She squinted and sat up, holding her head. She was in an alley of some sort. Not a bad alley, just an alley. Looking in either direction she saw an opening onto a street. One was busy, one wasn't. Suddenly, she realized where she was.
"Aright!" She exclaimed, jumping to her feet, her hair falling into her face. "Let's go find some bishies!"
She turned to her left and saw an old man with a shaggy, dirty beard, dirty clothes and a beer bottle in his hand. Keeren waved slowly before running off to the busy street to the north. The bum blinked a few times and looked at the bottle he was holding before he threw it at the opposite wall.
"Aright... if this is this street, and that's that street... then Capsule Corp. should be right around the corner..." Keeren lifted her head above the map and looked around the corner. A small shack with a sign on top said 'Bob and George's Comic Store'.
Jeez... where's the ice cream parlor?" She said sarcastically. She turned to her left and saw a small cart wheeling up the street with an ice-cream cone on its side. Keeren blinked a few times before twitching.
o o o
Keeren let out an exhausted sighed as placing her hands behind her head in a relaxing position and walked through the grass of the large field. She'd had been in the DBZ world for a half day and all she had gotten was weird looks so far. She hadn't even found one Z-Fighter yet. Somehow she found this field and she began to wander through it. A sign was posted at the edge of it, but it was too faded for her to read what it said.
Suddenly, a bit of grass a few yards away rustled. Keeren stopped walking and let her hands fall to her sides.
"W... who's there?" She questioned, voice quivering.
Suddenly, a dark figure, half-silhouetted by the sun, jumped out of the tall grass and stood in front of her. He had lavender hair, and sky blue eyes. He was wearing a dark blue scarf around his neck along with a black tank-top and a light brown coat with a pair of white, rolled up shorts with dark blue knee socks. His boots were brown and yellow with Velcro straps.
They stood silently facing each other for a moment.
"Who are you?" He asked her. Keeren gulped.
"I'm Keeren... a-and you...?"
He was silent for a moment. "I'm Trunks Briefs."
Keeren blinked a few times, letting her mind register the boy's name.
"Can you... repeat that for me?" She asked.
"I... am... Trunks... Briefs..." He said slower, becoming just slightly irritated.
"Right..." Keeren said half-hearted, her knees buckling, the world becoming dark around her and she fell face first into a small mouse den.
o o o
Keeren opened her left eyes, surveying her surroundings. She was in a bedroom, blanket pulled up to her chin. The wall was painted a faint yellow with a painting or two on the wall. She closed her left eye and opened her right.
She wasn't expecting a visitor, but there was one. The boy who said he was Trunks, which she was just starting to believe him, why so disbelieving? He was looking right back at her, his coat off, and his firm muscles showing in his arms.
"Where am I?" Keeren questioned, blinking away fatigue.
"Capsule Corp."
"Ah, great."
Keeren sat up, wanting to hold her head, expecting pain but didn't get any.
"Why are you in here with me?" Keeren asked.
"Well, I just wanted to make sure you were aright. You seemed like you had diabetes or something."
"Well I don't"
"Then why'd you faint?"
"Ummm..." Keeren sat in thought for a moment, not really sure what to say. Yes, who wouldn't faint at his hot body?
"I dunno." She finally said. "Question. Why am I here?"
Trunks stood and walked towards the door.
"What, You wanted me to leave you face first in a mouse den?"
"Well, no."
"Exactly. You were on Capsule property any ways. You'd be brought here any ways for questioning. We're very strict."
"Okay..." Keeren said, thinking he still needed to finish.
"Aright-y then. Just let me go get my kaa-san." He said, heading out the door.
Keeren groaned, falling back onto her pillow. Her head hit the headboard of the bed with a thunk. She hissed and held the bump. This wasn't how she wanted this to happen. Especially not the fainting part. God, how embarrassing. She took a sniff of air and found her face smelled like mouse butt. Great . . .
Just then, Trunks came back into the room his mother, Bulma Briefs, came in behind him. Her hair cut short, close to the same style as Trunks, just in a more girlish fashion. She was wearing an orange dress, long sleeves with gold trimmings.
"Hi!" She said cheerfully, walking up to the foot of the bed.
"Hi..." Keeren said, slightly nervous.
"What's your name honey?" Bulma questioned.
"Ah, sweet name. Beside the point. But I must ask a question, why were you on Capsule property?"
Keeren frowned. "I was lost."
"Valid excuse! More Q & A. Where'dya live, hun. We could call your parents"
"I don't live with my dad anymore. I'm in college." Keeren replied sternly, like they should have known. Down near her foot something itched.
"Oh. What college?"
Don't let anybody know where exactly you live. The voice in her head said. "It isn't anywhere around here. You wouldn't know of it. I live very, very far away."
"On vacation?"
"You could call it that."
"Well then! Welcome to Satan City! Do you have anywhere to stay yet?"
"Well... not exactly..."
"S-She can stay here!" Trunks suddenly burst. Bulma looked at him quizzically.
"What's gotten you all worked up so suddenly?" Bulma inquired.
"N-Nothing." Trunks said, his face just slightly flushed. "I'm just trying to be nice!"
"Right..." Bulma rolled her eyes. "Well, why not?"
Keeren smiled, at least something was going right!
"Arigato Mrs. Breifs."
"Oh, don't be so formal, just call me Bulma."
"Oh, one last thing, beware of Vegeta, he doesn't take kindly to strangers."
"I bet."