Oh, the obsession

Jan 21, 2007 00:41

'Tis the weekend of new lj icons for me, apparently! In the process of helping my friend Alex create a livejournal, I got introduced to the wonder that is icon lj communities. I'm telling you, searching them is like crack. (Caitlin, I understand now!) I haven't put any of the new ones up yet, because I just changed these really recently, but soon. ( Read more... )

doctor who, college friends

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Comments 6

calico_fox January 21 2007, 06:14:51 UTC
Doctor Who steals my soul....and I love every minute of it :P


si_ma_mi January 22 2007, 21:11:39 UTC
Doctor who rocks...WOOHOO Rose is the best :P

I've just realised I havent really posted on your LJ and I now feel really bad about it, cause you post on mine :D

Hope everything is going great for you :D



saena17 January 22 2007, 21:59:46 UTC
Hey! Good to hear from you. Don't worry about not posting on my lj before, it's cool. Things are going great here; how about for you?


P.S. I love how everyone who replied to this entry used a Dr. Who- related icon!


si_ma_mi January 22 2007, 22:58:02 UTC
Good to hear, yea things are good ere, still working my way through college.

LOL its cause Doctor Who is just super



c27beanie January 22 2007, 21:37:04 UTC
although i am VERA VERA Proud of you, i refuse to believe that i NEVA introduced you to LJ icon communities! you are a liar. Niltiac does not like Lairs.


saena17 January 22 2007, 21:58:49 UTC
You didn't! I know I asked you, "Where in the world did you get all these bazillions of icons from?" and you were like, "LJ communities". But I never actually went to any of them until this weekend!



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