An Awfully Big Adventure: UK Travel Adventure 2011, Part 1

Jul 19, 2011 14:48

I've been feeling somewhat out of sorts the last couple of days, without really being able to say why. Then today, as I sat eating lunch and feeling a bit lackluster, I realized what the reason probably was: I'm feeling "homesick" for the U.K. (Except it's not my home, so I guess that would be travel-sick?) That means now is as good a time as any ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

trippypeas July 19 2011, 23:12:35 UTC
I'm glad you had so much fun! I'm a little jealous!

I got your postcard today it is wonderful and big and on my fridge for everyone to see!


saena17 July 20 2011, 19:27:24 UTC
Aww, don't worry, you will have many adventures of your own! <3 I'm glad you liked your postcard!


doctorpancakes July 20 2011, 19:41:16 UTC
Aww, I have such jealous of your adventures! I'm so glad you're getting to see and do all this fun stuff! :)


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