[Fanfic] In the Deep

May 12, 2011 00:29

Title: In the Deep
Words: 4,998
Characters/Pairing: Paranormal-Hunter!Russia/Half-demon!America, Half-demon!Canada
Rating/Warning: R18; Sex/Violence/Human names used, Dub-con…uhhh I think thats it.
Note: This was just supposed to be pwp angry sex…but somewhere along the way a plot emerged, and then a full fledged story idea that I had to cut away. (I ( Read more... )

hetalia, fanfiction

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Comments 23

greatmarron May 12 2011, 16:52:39 UTC
I second many of the comments above. "Invasion" was an amazing story and when I saw this post on the Hetalia forum, I knew it would be the same! Please, please, please make this into a series? You are an amazing writer, please keep up the good work!


saemi_mitsuwa May 12 2011, 17:11:58 UTC
OMG your icon ♥♥♥♥

Due to all the plot and stuff I cut out of this, I'll probably keep writing one-shots for it. I'm super happy you enjoyed it (I only hope gutennachte likes it too -nervous-). Thank you for the kind comments(!!), it really brightened my morning ♥


greatmarron May 12 2011, 19:37:15 UTC
Thank you <3 Nuclear wonder twin powers is just too terribly appropriate for Mattie and Al, isn't it?

I'm sure gutennachte will love it, I can't imagine anybody who's a fan of RussiaxAmerica wouldn't! All of the comments were definitely needed; good writers need encouragement to counter the sea of poorly written fiction that is on the internet! I hope you have a good rest of your morning, I look forward to reading more of your work!


batneko May 13 2011, 07:31:25 UTC
I liked it, but that wrong "your" totally threw me off during the sex scene. You want to say, "Fuck, you're big."


saemi_mitsuwa May 13 2011, 15:08:06 UTC
Thanks for the heads up on the grammar. This was self beta'd, so I'm sure there are mistakes littered through out this. I'll go back and change it :)


waterylt May 13 2011, 17:43:26 UTC
I love this fic so much....QwQ
The description of Hunter!Ivan reminded me of SPN lol and then the way you describe his equipment and outfit...now I can whip away the image of sexy demon hunter Russian now <3
Demon Alfred nggggghhhhhhhh------why so hot and cute, why
Even though I enjoy the smut part, I have to say my favorite is the epilogue, omg it is just...priceless XDDDD (Demon crying over ice cream about an unsuccessful courting? lollll)
really wish there's a continuation or something QwQ


saemi_mitsuwa June 5 2011, 16:04:32 UTC
Gah! Sorry for the late response x__x I only just now came back here to check >< I've never seen supernatural but it's been recommended to me many times. Is it good? :)

I'm so glad you enjoyed reading this! I saw that pic you did of ivan on tumblr and I just have to say again, I love it so much ♥♥ I adore your artwork and now I'm happy I can see it more often, thanks to tumblr haha. (I'm also glad you enjoyed the smut part..sometimes I feel like they suck because I read so many good fics at tumblr & the kinkmeme)


amerecles May 13 2011, 22:46:22 UTC
I have to agree with waterylt. Definitely reminded me of SPN Which is awesome because Ivan and Dean would get along swimmingly. You actually made me cry you meanie head ;A; but it was a good cry. Because somehow the entire time I knew that Al was hopelessly in love with Ivan. The poor baby! I just want to hug him and let him cry on my shoulder while we watch chick flicks and eat tons of ice cream!

Shame on you, Ivan, for being so racist against him >L

I would beg for you to continue, but that would be rude. But I will kindly request that you do more out of this verse given the time and inclination. If you like I can submit a formal request?


saemi_mitsuwa June 5 2011, 16:08:03 UTC
(Sorry for the late response! D:)

I'm sorry I made you cry! I didn't mean to (but tbh, I'm sorta glad at the same time, because that means I did my job as a writer ^^;) And another supernatural fan?? Man I need to watch that show. Everyone recommends it but I keep putting it off :\

Also: I can totally see Alfred doing the chick-flicks and ice cream. Or many violent alien invasion/sci-fi movies with ice cream xD


amerecles June 6 2011, 00:56:48 UTC
There's a reason it's the top ranked TV show on FF.net. (Just don't read the fic posted there, euch) It's just so awesome and gritty and real and intense and oAo You /neeeeeed/ to watch it. NEED! THE POWER OF THE WINCHESTERS COMPELS YOU!

And Alfred crying over Alien invasion movies seems suitable, actually. He'd start off with Pop-corn and pretending to be happy and then by the time the first expendable slutty girl or asshole guy was killed, he'd be bawling and busting out the Ben and Jerry's


m_dono May 21 2011, 18:05:17 UTC
This is


Is it wrong to want more of this? I mean. God, it deserves its own series. In just one post you've made readers love the characters. I attribute that to your skill as a writer, you've shown just how complex and colorful their personalities--how there are two sides to each character--with just one post/chapter.

Ivan being hard and cold but at the same time curious and passionate of his work. Al being somewhat boisterous and confident but really just insecure and a romantic. And Matt being harsh and cynical, but in fact caring towards his brother.



saemi_mitsuwa June 5 2011, 16:11:25 UTC
Wow thank you so much! It means so much to me that you enjoyed this so much ;w; I honestly meant for this to only be a smutty one-shot but...yeah. It turned into something way more along the way. I hope you enjoy the future installments just as much as you did for this one :)

(Also, sorry for the super late reply x___x)


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