random ~~
This video makes me smile :D Oh I still love them both <333 I used to watch Blackadder when I was young and Hugh's character was always my fav xD ~~
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drhouseforum3 for uploading this in youtube ;) See other parts in
drhouseforum3 channel.
Comments 40
i didn't learn about them until i started watching house a couple years ago and then i watched all the episodes of jeeves and wooster.
when did this show air?
7 is totally early. the companies/employers are evil. omg, i didn't know stephen went to jail. it was so interesting to hear about their childhood.
And sorry I don't know much about jeeves and wooster :/
the storylines get kinda tedious but it's worth it just for the two of them and hugh laurie singing.
I love these two so much!
Stephen and Jude worked together on Wilde... how jealous do you think RDJ is? :P
Stephen and Jude worked together on Wilde... how jealous do you think RDJ is? Dunno. X''D
I love them too >u<
And I just read in a comment there's Frycroft pictures? What a glorious day!
You think they'll do a Sherlock reunion one day? Probably not. xD
You think they'll do a Sherlock reunion one day? Probably not. xD Hmmm... nope. XD I don't think so :::D
I watched this Fry & Laurie reunion now and saw that it had Higson and Whitehouse in it, another comedy couple. And I had to tell you that they once played the slashiest couple *ever*, Ted & Ralph.
Ted is a young Lord who owns a house that is falling apart, and Ralph is his Irish gardener who he is in love with. It's really slow sketches with little talking, but it's so cute! ♥
I made a playlist for myself, if you wanna watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNuV0W9upTI&feature=&p=9954C4D31DDE9F71&index=0&playnext=1 It's about 20 3-minute sketches.
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