
Aug 21, 2005 16:39

Ok looks like everybody kind of forgot about that challenge (myself included, unfortunately)

but I haven't given up yet, so I'm extending it two weeks. so that makes the new ending day September 5th.

from here: http://www.geocities.jp/tousetsuvoice/mainmenu_annex.htm

This person's art style is very perfect for bleach characters. I love it to death <3 <3

Ichigo's face kills me DEAD ;___;

from here: http://stereotype9.hp.infoseek.co.jp/
there's tons of pixel art here, and it's all excellent. If you've seen my layout you've seen some of it. check it out ^^



comic, would be better if i spoke japanese ;_;

annnnnd from here: http://kamakura.cool.ne.jp/lugj/home.html

and one more comic from a website i seem to have lost (woe)
once again, the japanese is unintelligable for me, but I think you can tell what the joke is ;D

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