Title: Deo volente
Disclaimer: None you know are belong to us.
Warnings: non-con (as the definition stands); slash; Uriel/Castiel
Characters: spoilerious up to and including 4x07
Rating: R
Wordcount: ~300
Spoilers: Up to and including 4x07, none for episodes after that
A/N: This counts as PWP, I guess. Depending on one's definition of porn, though
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Comments 2
And it's so hurty. They're doing it for all the wrong reasons and you wonderfully bring out how it's just mechanics for them, no pleasure in a single touch.
And Cas! *cries* He follows the orders, but that only makes him doubt more. Not a place where a good, obedient angel wants to be. *pets Cas*
There was the thought of writing this longer, about how the two angels joining would prevent a Seal from breaking or something, but... it just wasn't meant to be, I guess.
The more we see Castiel, the more he intrigues me, the more I wanna play with him. I'm happy you liked this, despite the doubt. And Castiel in canon is not in a happy place, either.
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