
Dec 21, 2007 23:41

tigriswolf has bred many plotwolves/bunnies/wyverns, so I'm taking a page out of her book and archive some ideas/concepts that I know I can't write yet, either for lack of time or talent.
There's slash, wincest, gen, too. And things that could go any way. All for Supernatural, because I may be promiscuous, but also fiercely obsessed.
If anyone feels an inclination to try their hand with these (or already has), I'd be more than gleeful!

    1) Voice Mails from Down the Road: we know for a fact that the boys left voice mails for John during the First Season, far more than ever seen on-screen. What would the boys have said, before/during/after all the hunts?

    3) Five Times Dean Disobeyed John

    4) Non-wincesty wincest. Also known as mindfuck. Because I apparently am a sucker for the whole "I think he wants me but he doesn't"-thing... "Fuck or Die" and all the other Crack Cliches with sex

    5) Supernatural/Fallen crossover: Just because it's a match made of perfect.

    6) How Did William Anthony Harvelle Become A Hunter?

    7) Jo/Sam post-2x14. One way or the other, Jo ends up alone with Sam, who's more than a little submissive, feeling wary what with everything that happened, letting Jo call the shots.

    8) During the years Sam was in Stanford, John and Dean weren't inseparable. One night in a bar, Dean shares a bottle with a fellow by the name of Luther (Dead Man's Blood, 1x20). They chat about this and that, Luther hitting on Dean, looking for lunch.
    Either he figures out that Dean's a hunter and excuses himself rather than endanger himself/his slowly recovering pack, or then they end up outside the bar, Luther taking Dean and trusting the alcohol to dim the memories. Remember, "(vampires) were once people, so you won't know it's a vampire until it's too late."
    These two were made to be slashed together! They're both so damn good-looking! And Luther's actor has an awesome back...

    9) sammessiah: The devout followers follow the boys everywhere. Performance anxiety ensues.

    10) Supernatural/Alice in Wonderland: Match the characters and places (Hell is Wonderland? Ruby's the Cheshire Cat? Sam as Alice and Dean as the White Rabbit?) and don't forget the most famous quote from the latter story...
      "But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
      "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
      "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
      "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

    12) (Slightly) drunken wincest, with sloppiness and stumbling...candlelight and everything the Hanged Man stands for... (3x08-coda?)

    13) Sam gets almost killed hurt badly enough to need a hospital. Henricksen investigates, and Dean's forced to stay away.
      a) To add spice to a gen story, Henricksen appears before Sam regains consciousness.
      b) (Implied) wincest would make the story so very twisted, especially if the boys are into rough sex, with the possible bruising and Henricksen's already high opinion about the boys. Or maybe the boys aren't sharing the bed, and it's just Henricksen's idea, based on what he thinks he knows about the Winchesters...and the bruises came from what-/whoever landed Sam in the hospital in the first place.
      c) Set in Season Three, add Sam's worries about Dean's deadline.

    14) Every time the boys get separated (Sam leaves), Dean ends in mortal danger. He never talks about the scars he got during the years Sam was in Stanford.

    15) Connect-the-dots.
    I've seen this with Dean/Jensen's freckles, but what about Sam/Jared's moles? All that wide expanse of his back...

    16) Rude Food.
    Because do you really think Dean could pass some of these? ;)

    17) Story with the title "A Long And A Sad Tail". Alice's Adventures In Wonderland again, yes.

In completely unrelated news, my hands are pink.
And big-pink's Dazzleland? *holds it tight to her bosom* The language! The story! The Boys! The Language!
*goes to edit the sequel to Sign Here, humming*

season 3, sam, supernatural, season 2, shbunnies, dean

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