The Sentinel: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg Prompt: Faith Rated: G

Mar 03, 2009 18:07

Title: Changed
Fandom: The Sentinel
Characters/Pairing: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg
Prompt: #12 Faith
Rating: G
Notes: I don't own The Sentinel, the characters or anything but a handful of bucks in my back pocket. Don't sue, please and thank you. It's fluff. Sweet and romantic introspective drabble.
Summary: Faith is so much harder to come by than love

It was easy to have faith in another when your life was in their hands and they were all the hope you have. More times than he cared to count, Blair's life had been in Jim's hands and never, not once, did he doubt that he would live. It wasn't in Ellison's nature to fail, but that wasn't why Blair never doubted for his life. His faith in Jim came from a million things, not the least of whichw as the love that Blair felt for his partner.

Sarah was the first woman that Blair fell in love with. He had been eight years old and she'd been his babysitter. He had fallen hard for her and when she left for college, Blair had been inconsolable. At least until his parents hired the boy down the street and Blair met Holden. Love was something that Blair fell into easily and accepted as it came. Love was something to gladly explore in whatever form it came to you in.

And then Blair had heard stories about a soldier with extraordinary senses.

Realizing that Jim was the sentinel he had sought his entire career and falling for him had not been the same thing. Ellison was brusque, rough around the edges and often without a single ounce of the sort of charm that usually attracted the anthropologist. Maybe that was why when Blair fell this time it had been different. He didn't fall for a sensual mouth or eyes that you could fall into. It wasn't about touch and hedonistic exploits. This time it had been about faith.

Faith in who they were and everything they could be. Beyond the strong arms that caught Blair so many times, the sturdy hands that saved him time and again, Blair's faith in Jim was borne of the knowledge that Jim would always be there. Not that he had been there but knowing he would never not be there for Blair when he needed him most.

Love changed with time. Who you fell in love with. The things that attract you. How you fall in love. Love was something that Blair had known since he was eight years old. Faith though, that was something new entirely.


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