lights are brighter than before; david/selena

Oct 02, 2009 20:50

Yeah, I don't normally post my fic here, but it's a special case.

Name: Chris
Title: lights are brighter than before
Fandom: Wizards of Waverly Place, Disney, David Henrie/Selena Gomez (they so totally have their own fandom now, quite amusing)
Genre: ze smutz, RPF, a little smidgen o’ angst cause it’s me and I love it.
Summary: The Seacrest comments make Selena curious, so she investigates. Written foromgjustinalex using this (*coughmine*) prompt.

I know, I know, real person shipping (and ficcing) is creepy and wrong and weird and all that, but I promised that I would write one if Kat did so…yeah. All her fault. I wouldn’t do this for anyone else. :D


“look at you. you light up every time i mention his name.”
- ryan seacrest

“Whatcha doing?”

Of course he would come in, without knocking-because he never knocks-just when she’s reached the good part. And yeah, maybe one could argue that there really is no good part to this. The whole idea is just kind of creepy and weird and all that but secretly, she’s always sort of seen where it comes from.

If she did have a brother, she would hope they wouldn’t be as touchy as she lets herself get on screen.

But it’s all a subconscious thing. Really.

“Um…” She tries to think, think fast, please God. “Tweeting.”

“Oh.” He plops onto the couch beside her and she closes her laptop just in time. No need for him to get curious or bored and need to use it or something.

“So, what’s up?” Big bright smile. Nothing’s wrong, nothing is going on here.

He gives her that sly grin, that David grin, the one she can’t not return even if she tried.


He extends his legs out, folds his hands behind his head, and looks at her. (And she really wishes he wasn’t in full on ‘Justin Wear’ right now.) Stretching in a way that makes his sweater pull across his chest just so, God, his face lights up with humor. “I just got an interesting phone call.”


Still wearing that grin, he nods. “Yup. Jake and Lorenzo both have dibs on being our ring bearer.”

Groaning, she lets her face fall into her hands and laughs. “Ugh. Todd’s already asked me where we’re registered.” Now that she knows she’s not busted, or feels relatively sure she’s not, she pulls his arm down and relaxes, her body falling in line with his on the couch so their shoulders touch.

“You started it though.”

Oh heck no. “No, no. That would be the orange guy with the other microphone.”

Laughing, David starts fiddling with the ends of her hair that have fallen across his arm.

Secret? Selena loves it when he does that. And she missed it the first few days back on set when they’d hang out between takes.

Not that that was the motivation behind her extensions though. Not at all.

But she doesn’t want to think about that though. Because if she thinks about Seacrest then she’ll have to think about all the stuff that popped up online afterwards and how her curiosity got the better of her and she followed those links and ended up…

“Earth to Selena.” David waves a hand in front of her face, snaps his fingers, even nudges at her leg. Below the line of her (Alex’s) skirt. “You in there?”

Feeling herself blush (dammit) like a kid with her hand in the cookie jar, she plasters her fake Disney smile on her face, the one she always wears when she’s just having the suckiest day ever and a whole gaggle of little kids spot her in the mall and ask for autographs because she is Disney and that’s what you do. “Sorry. Space case moment there.”

“Imagining our wedding?” he asks and his arm slides down around her shoulders. “You know if you wanted to marry me that bad, all you had to do was ask.”

Laughing, for real, wow, she pushes at his shoulder. “Dork. I wasn’t picturing our wedding thank you very much.”

David wiggles his eyebrows, leaning in. “The wedding night?”

He meant it to be funny. It was supposed to be funny. Should be.

But it’s not.

And her expression must give her away, per usual, and she sees David’s face fall and then the metaphorical light bulb goes off and he opens his mouth-

-just as Jennifer opens the door.

“There you guys are. You were supposed to be on set ten minutes ago. Jake and Peter are taking bets that you ran off to elope. Maria wanted to call your parents.”

Shaking off the moment must be easier for him. No surprise. He’s a guy and guys are better at ignoring the emotional stuff. It must come on the Y chromosome. Standing up, he pats at her knee like he’s done a thousand times in that platonic, little sister/big brother way she loves (hates) and smiles between the two girls. “I tried, Jen, I really did, but she won’t have me. Guess that means I’m all yours.”

Jennifer laughs and David laughs and Selena laughs, all the while with that feeling of ‘one of these things is not like the other.’ David tosses her another look before he and Jen leave, all giggles, that David smile again and she just really, really wishes he wasn’t dressed like Justin.

Before she leaves she smacks at her laptop. It doesn’t help.


Selena decides that today, as a whole, pretty much sucks. She flubbed her lines more than she ever has and everyone kept looking at her weird when she would stumble into the set. Which happened a lot. It’s all so embarrassing. Good thing they weren’t filming today. She gets to do all this again tomorrow in front of a hundred people.


Staring to gather her things to go home where there’s ice cream and pickles and assorted junk food waiting for her, her eyes fall on her computer.

She is done for the day. And she had been getting to the good part when David interrupted her…

Why not.

It wasn’t as if Selena did this on a regular basis. Usually, she avoids this kind of thing, has ever since she found out that there was this whole faction of viewers out that want Justin and Alex together. Romantically.

Um, ew.

She blames one of her Twitter followers for the link to that discussion about her interview with Seacrest. Something about that comment must have really struck a cord with them. It had certainly stood out to her.

“You know who I’m talking about.”

What was it that everybody saw that she didn’t? Cause she doesn’t see it. At all. Selena thinks of David as a brother, that’s what she always says, has been taught to say. A big brother. Nothing more.

So they’re a little touchy. So they hang out off screen. They’re friends.

It helps. Having someone she gets along with play her brother.

Of course brothers and sisters don’t act the way they do in this story. Not unless they want to go to jail or have babies with four noses.

And she’s just curious. That’s all. Like when you pass a particularly gruesome car crash and can’t make yourself look away.

Who knew there was so much of this out there?

This, obviously, being what she’s learned is referred to as ‘fan fiction’ based on Justin and Alex. It wasn’t that she hadn’t known beforehand that this kind of thing was out there…she just never went looking for it. Avoided it. Was happy to pretend that she and David were costars and friends and nothing more.

But if everyone, even Demi, if freaking Ryan Seacrest, keeps saying these things about her and David, about Justin and Alex, then maybe she truly is more oblivious than she’s tried to pretend she is.

It’s easy to find where she stopped when David walked in and interrupted her. Selena’s interest has gotten the better of her and she spent the better part of her morning skimming over a lot of this, some really bad, some actually, surprisingly, really good. And oddly fascinating to the point that she’s carted her computer around with her all day.

So now she’s past the good and it’s getting to the part that should be completely awkward and gross but is even better. Bizarre.

She scrolls down and feels her eyes pop wide. Whoa. No wonder there’s so much talk about her and David, if them just being on screen together prompts something like this.

When she comes to this conclusion, naturally, it’s David’s cue to open the door to her dressing room and stroll in without an invitation. Like always.

Today’s the first day she’s pissed about that though.

“Um hi, it’s called knocking.”

“Since when do we knock?” He leans against her doorframe, in his own clothes, all smug and devious looking, more Alex than she could ever be. “Do you knock? No.”

She rolls her eyes, closing her computer against his nosy eyes. “What if I’d been changing or something? It wouldn’t kill you.”

“You’ve walked in on me changing.”

He’s right. But he’s also a guy. Totally not the same thing.

Her best bet; changing the subject. Discussions of nudity in any degree is not gonna help her when she’s almost positive the heat in the room has gone up since she started reading. Not when the physical manifestation of the reading in question is standing ten feet away, looking at her like he knows what she was doing.

“So what’s up? More wedding planning to be done?” she teases.

He doesn’t answer her, not at first. Pulls his phone out of his back pocket and shakes it. “I just checked my page and you haven’t posted at Twitter for three days.”


She opens her mouth, but he stops her with a look. “Or Facebook, or MySpace.” Shutting the door to her dressing room, he leans back against, eyeing her with amusement. “What were you looking at?”

“Uh, shopping.”

David chuckles. “Yeah, right. If you’d been shopping you would have showed me. How many dresses have I had to give my opinion on?”

Selena really hates when he’s right.

“Well, what if I wasn’t shopping for clothes? What is was…girl stuff?”

“Girl stuff?”

Tilting his head from side to side, eyes narrow, he ponders this.

And not for a second does she believe he buys it. “Yeah.”

She stands up and jams her laptop down into her bag, and moves toward the door. David’s still blocking it though, and doesn’t look like he’s going to be moving any time soon. “Come on, David, move.”

His whole face lights up with his smile. “Nope.”

“David…” So she’s whining. After the week she’s had, she’s allowed.

“I wanna see.”

Yeah. That’s not happening.

And it wouldn’t have, if it were up to her. But David’s bigger than she is and a lot stronger and he takes advantage of her distracted annoyance to yank her purse away from her and snatches her laptop.

“David, stop it. Give that back” She tries to get it away from him but like she said, he’s bigger than she is and blocks her hands easily as he opens it up and then his eyes look like they’re going to pop out of his head.

He looks up at her, shock all over his face, and a good dose of amusement as well and she just wants to melt into the carpet.

“Oh my God,” she groans, collapsing onto the sofa with her red, red face in her hands. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed in my life.”

She feels the couch shift and knows that David is sitting beside her. Chancing a glance from between her fingers, Selena sees that he’s still reading. She recognizes the page he’s on and it just keeps getting worse. Emitting a pitiful sound, she folds over until she’s resting her arms on her legs. “I want to die right now.”

David chuckles softly. “Come on, Selena, it’s not that bad.”

“Oh no?” Now she does look up and he’s finally looking back at her, face blank. “Keep reading.”

After a few seconds she knows he’s at the right spot. “Whoa.”

For just a second, Selena wonders how noticeable it would be if she and David never did any scenes together again. It’s a thought. After this she doesn’t know if she’ll ever be able to look him in the eye again.

“How far did you get on this?” he asks, and is it just her, or does his voice sound a little…awed?

This is not something to get excited about.

“I was at about ‘whoa’ when you came in,” Selena admits.

He snorts. “Then you missed the good stuff. Come here.” Taking hold of her wrist, he tugs her closer and angles the screen at her.

Jerking her hand away, she finally manages to get her computer back and snaps it shut. “I am not going to read that with you. Gross.”

“Why not?” Stretching out on the couch, he crosses his ankles and spreads his arms wide on the back of the cushions. “Afraid we’ll delve in role playing?”

Oh God.

“Perv.” She smacks at his chest. “I’m not reading it with because that would just be weird. And for you information, I’m not reading any more period.”

David snorts, looking entirely unruffled and she almost, almost, hates him a little for enjoying her humiliation this much. “Forgive me for saying I don’t believe you.”

“No,” she says sulkily, feeling an involuntarily pout on her face.

It must finally sink in to him that this is more than just simple embarrassment on her part. Sitting up, he takes one of her hands and holds it. “I’m sorry. Really. I just thought you reading this stuff was funny.”

“You’ve never looked at this stuff?”

“Not before today,” he states. And she believes it.

When he lets go of her hand she falls back onto her vacated spot on the couch beside him. Sighing deeply, she looks at him out of the corner of her eye. “Should we talk about this?”

“The fact that you read this stuff but think it’s gross? That’s not gonna bode well for our marriage.”

It’s always a joke with him.

“Gross because it’s our characters, who are brother and sister,” she clarifies. She does love David, can’t really help it when he’s so cute and funny and just such a good guy, and she wants him to know that.

Something in the air changes, something in David changes. His face looks almost gloomy for a second and he exhales, so heavy she swears she feels it. “What if it wasn’t Justin and Alex? What if it was about you and me?”

“You think that’s out there?”

Lame response and even she knows it.

And he gives her one of those looks. One of his ‘are you kidding looks?’ Like when she insists he take her shopping or watch a chick flick when all of her girlfriends are busy or out touring somewhere.

Despite it all, despite the rumors and the speculation and what everybody says about them, they’ve never sat down and actually discussed it, just the two of them. Honestly, there’s never been a need to. Both of them assure the press that it’s just gossip and their friends are just teasing.


But David still has that look on his face, all expectant and he does want to talk about it.

Selena blames Seacrest, she really does. “I don’t think I could read it if it were about us. That would just be too strange.”

After a few seconds he nods, lips pursed. “I guess you’re right.”

Is he…does he sound…disappointed?

The possibility makes her heart hurt a little. “Hey.” She lays her hand on his forearm, scratches her nails lightly against his skin the way he likes. “We’re okay, right? Cause I need us to be okay. You-” Her voice breaks off, the out of nowhere emotion clogging her throat. “You’re my David.”

And it’s different now. Somehow. Inexplicably, its different. Cause he’s looking at her like she’s not the same girl he’s tried to trip on set every day for the last three years and had eating contests with, who came to his hotel room in Puerto Rico when he was sick and sat with him until his mom got there.

He’s looking at her like a guy looks at a girl.

And it should be, but it is so not weird. At all.  In fact, it feels like she's been waiting for it all along and just never knew it.

Later on, she’ll be unsure about what triggered it. Whether it was that look on David’s face, or his hand covering hers and pressing her ring into her finger, or the uneven beat her heart takes on. All she knows is that the words leave her mouth one second and the next she’s leaning forward and David’s leaning forward and they meet in the middle.

A noise, involuntary, unstoppable, leaves her throat, and she feels David's hand slide up her neck, snake around to the back of her head to tangle his fingers in her messy hair, the other one settling on her hip and wow, he’s good at this. She moves closer, wants to be as close as she can, and cups his face in her hands.

David pulls back, eyes unfocused and a little bit of pink lip gloss smeared on his mouth. He looks dazed. She giggles, amazed at his reaction, a little smug.

“Proud of yourself, are you?” She’s used to David’s teasing, but not when his voice is all deep and husky and frankly, really hot like it is right now. Under normal circumstances, Selena would tease him back cause it’s who they are and its so easy but she doesn’t want to burst this bubble they’ve tumbled into. She doesn’t want to think, doesn’t want to talk. All she really wants to do right now is kiss him some more.

So she does. She kisses him and he kisses her back and they’re falling into a little game or tug of war where each of them are trying to be in control of what’s going on and there’s an easy way to sort that out. Her lips press against his softly, and he opens his mouth with a moan as she climbs over him, her thighs on either side of his waist, hands sliding down his chest over his tee shirt and back up underneath it. He’s so warm under her palms, under her lips.

And so far this is still just a kiss, a bit more than perfectly innocent, probably, but nothing out of control. Hardly reckless at all. Just a kiss.

Selena keeps moving her hands, down and up, down and up, until she grows frustrated with the limitations and begins pushing his shirt up, moving him around until she's got it off over his head. Again, she laughs. His face is priceless right now and she almost, almost, gives into the temptation to dig into her purse for her phone to take a picture.

But that would involve getting up off of David’s lap and she’s quite comfortable where she is.

He joins in with her laughter, chuckling and then he kisses her quickly, once, twice, and then his lips fall to her neck, right below her ear, and her laughter dies in her throat. She feels her head fall back and it’s not deliberate, more like instinctual, and his lips press harder. As good as it feels, having a hickey when they walk out of her would only lead to questions and teasing and possibly press coverage, so she pulls his lips back to hers, winding her arms around his neck.

One of his large palms finds its way under the hem of her tank top and the feel of his skin on hers pretty much makes her decision for her. Selena pries her lips away from his, feeling like her lungs are on fire, and yanks her top off and if David looked stunned before, it’s nothing compared to how dumbfounded he is now.


She shakes her head. Yes, this is probably the stupidest thing she’s done in her life so far; getting naked with her costar, her TV brother for crying out loud, but Selena’s not an impulsive person by nature. If anything, she’s too cautious, too careful, too aware of her image and everything she tires to be.

So the way she sees it, she deserves this one moment of spontaneity. Even if they crash and burn afterwards.

Leaning back in, hands on his shoulders for balance, she lets her forehead come to rest on his. Watching his eyes fall shut, she feels that sense of being safe and protected he always gives her and she sighs. He kisses her this time, slow and sweet and hot as hell, making her toes curl and she arches into him. They keep on that way for a little while, just exploring each other until David grips at her hips and wrenches them apart.

Confused, she blinks at him. She feels dazed and a little drunk. Not that she knows what that’s like. “What’s the matter?”

Panting, he shakes his head and runs his hand across her back. “Nothing, honest. You just gotta stop moving, that’s all.”

Once that seeps into her brain, Selena feels her cheeks color a little bit and moves again, with intent this time because she hadn’t realized she was doing it to begin with, and they both suck in harsh gasps of air.

“Should have known you wouldn’t listen to me,” he grounds out. He buries his face into the crook of her neck and squeezes her. It tickles when his nose nuzzles into the hollow of her collarbone and makes her laugh, makes him laugh.

“Should have known you’d be a gentleman,” she shoots back.

Giving her a glare that’s all for show, he tries to move her off him but she locks her limbs where they are and she’s not budging.

He sighs. “Sel, come on.” He’s not looking at her now, instead focusing on the wall over her shoulder. If she didn’t know David as well as she knows herself she’d say he was embarrassed. “Do you really want to do this?”

That…stings. “You don’t?”

“Are you kidding?” He makes a face, a sound, of incredulity. “You know I do. You’re kind of sitting on the proof.”

She can’t help it. She blushes.

That seems to be what he needs. Running his hands up and down her arms, he leans forward and presses his lips to her forehead.

Selena lets her eyes close, burrows into him, never wanting to leave. It’s true that she’s not as experienced with this as he is. She hasn’t ever let it get this far with another guy. Has never wanted to get this far with anybody else.

And up until an hour ago had never wanted to get this far with David. Has thought about it, sure. He is sweet and funny and, okay, insanely hot, but he’s David and she put him in the Off Limits category the day they met. Dating within the show family is something the powers that be at Disney frown upon, never mind that the guy from Dexter married his TV sister. Only now he’s jumped from off limits to her own personal chair and since they can’t ever really go back to where they were, they may as well push it as far as they can and smash through all the barriers at once.

So, before he can succeed in putting the brakes on, she attaches her lips to the pulse in his throat and sucks lightly, flutters her tongue over the beat under his skin. She feels David stiffen under her and starts to protest. She kisses him again to shut him up, and twists, trying to give him the hint to move. It flits through her head that in most of the stories she read, this is how Alex and Justin end up, but that’s to be expected she guesses, since Alex is always more straightforward.

But she’s not Alex, she just plays her and she would rather David take the lead here as he’s the only one of them with a clue what he’s doing. He takes the hint and they shift as one, mindful of their limited space, moving together until he's lying on top of her, his legs on either side of her body. Her hand falls to his hair, wrap around the nape of his neck to pull him into a heady kiss. He groans weakly against her mouth, but his touch remains gentle. His fingers are light and careful as they trail against her hip, across her stomach, up to the swell of her breasts. She fights against a shiver when he reaches her exposed collarbone and there’s a torturous amount of exploration that follows, as David acquaints himself of her body with the aid of his hands and mouth.

All of his reservations seem to be gone, and as terrified as she can’t help but be, she’s also grateful that he’s not fighting it anymore.

There are no words, no questions or worries, only silent moans as he kisses her. Her fingers are curled into his hair, and her teeth are nipping at his lips. He’s devouring her, hands pressing her into him, his tongue burying itself farther into her mouth. And she’s letting him. She wants him to keep touching her. It’s warm and electric and invigorating. It’s hasty and effortless and unimaginably sweet. Much like David himself.

Her hands wander on their own, flexing with the movements of his muscles across his back as he moves, oddly fascinated with the unfamiliar sensations, and then they reach the barrier of his jeans and slide around to the front of his pants, going for the button and then the zipper. Nerves attack when he pauses in his assault on her mouth, stomach doing a funny little flip as Selena tilts her head to look into his eyes. He stares back, the surprise evident on his face at her unusual behavior. This wasn't the way things usually went. They deny there’s anything more than platonic between them, always so careful to keep things light and easy and friendly.

Platonic went out the window as soon as he came in her dressing room though.

With more false nerve than she truly possesses, she tugs the zipper the rest of the way down and then pushes at the sides of his jeans until he has to toe off his shoes and kick them away. And then it’s his turn and she closes her eyes, mentally cursing herself for choosing the jeans with the five button fly as he fumbles, a little less coordinated than she would have imagined David to be.

Then her jeans are unfastened and she lifts her hips so David can slide them down her legs and there is some awkward shifting to keep them both from falling off the narrow couch. He lays his body over hers and now she can feel him, almost all of him, all around her and she knows it’s David and it’s okay, that she doesn’t need to be afraid. David’s head drop to her collarbone and he sort of whimpers her name, and the sound frightens her, making her feel very young, and very inept.

Selena knows he would stop if she said the word. And that alone is enough to make her take a deep breath and kiss him again, raising her leg so his weight settles more fully against her body. David grunts, clutching at her hips. Fingers light, she scratches across his scalp in that way he likes, playing with his hair and it makes him shiver, his body responding to her, and when she feels the press of his erection against her stomach the speck of fear that jumps out in her brain is actually a little exciting

Things get fuzzy from there, all hot breath and wandering hands and soft skin, and David turns her body this way and that to get the remaining scraps of cloth covering her body off and they’re gone before she even notices enough to feel embarrassed. It’s not like anyone else has ever seen her naked before, but she trusts him so it’s okay.

She traces his bottom lip with her tongue, making him kiss her back in way that sets her skin on fire, pushing her body as close to him as possible.

He kisses her back for a minute, then slowly pulls away a fraction of an inch, resting his weight on his hands on either side of her head. “Are you trying to kill me?”

Selena laughs. “Sorry, David.”

“Sure, sure,” he says. “I'll bet you're sorry.”

Yeah. She’s really, really not.

His face sobers and Selena can see the question in his eyes. He’s not going to push her, and she loves him for being so considerate-even more so because she’s naked under him and he’s close to it and he’s looking at her like she’s the most important thing in the world.

That, right there, is why she doesn’t care that this is her dressing room and her small couch or that anyone  from the cast or the crew could walk in at any second. And that, right there, is why she reaches down and grabs his wallet out of his discarded jeans. She knows exactly where he keeps them. Selena hands him the foil packet and he looks at her, searches her eyes intently before he takes it and kisses her.

A moment of panic sets in when he pulls away from her and stands and she sits up and then she realizes why he stood and the pink that colors his face is pretty adorable and yeah, she gets s good look before he’s back on top of her, condom in place and his blue eyes uncharacteristically dark. He ghosts the tips of his fingers down the side of her face, lighter than any feather and warmer than a thousand suns, and the moment is suddenly momentous.

She breathes and it’s shaky and yes, she’s scared out of her mind and yes, David can tell. He knows her better then almost anyone, and he cares about her. Otherwise they wouldn’t be here.

Then she feels him, just barely. He’s moving to where he needs to be, and although its just a little of him, it feels so weird. His hands curl under her shoulders, cradling her head and her face in his hands and he kisses her as deeply as she’s ever bee kissed. She gets so caught up in the kiss and how amazing it is that she doesn’t think very much about David slowly moving further in until he stops and detaches their lips, eyes squeezed shut. “Okay?”

“Yeah,” she says and then he pushes all the way in and oh my God, it hurts.

David is impossibly still. She can feel the tension in every part of his body touching hers, tense with the fight to stay still. “I’m sorry,” he whispers against her cheek and she nods, the tears gathering at the corners of her eyes making her distrust her ability to speak.

So it is as painful as everyone says. Who would have guessed. She’d always thought it was a little exaggerated so the shock of just how much it hurt caught her off guard, but she breathes through it and then it’s more of an ache than a pain and she tells David he can move.

Ow. It still isn’t the most pleasant thing in the world. At first. Then it gets a little better and not painful so much as uncomfortable and then, to her relief, David pumps his hips again and it’s actually pretty good, making her shiver. He must sense the change in her. His mouth starts to wander down her chest and his lips brush along her breasts and wow, that sets tingles off all over her body. She arches and cries out a little, surprising them both, and her hips jerk into his.

David grunts, his own pelvis twitching in response. He flushes at her offsetting his rhythm, which makes her laugh, and she kisses her way up his neck as he attempts to get it back. And now that it feels good, and then better than good, she’s glad about that, so much so that she doesn’t even care about the embarrassing noises she’s making. David doesn’t seem to mind. In fact he’s making similar sounds himself and it’s sorta really hot, his damp breath puffing against her skin with each one.

She can feel a pressure beginning to build low in her body and it gets worse (or better) the faster David moves, and she wants it to hit where her body is striving for because the increasing need is making her pant and whine and her hips move of their own accord, clumsily, desperate.

“Selena,” David huffs out, “I can’t-”

“It’s okay,” she assures him, and tightens her grip on his waist as he goes fasterfasterfaster and then-

It all explodes around and inside of her, and she shakes and her breath catches, and she has to screw her eyes shut as tight as she can until it passes because it’s just too much.


David is gasping for air, all of his weight still on his arms that are now shaking. He looks exhausted, all sweaty and red and rightfully so. He did do the majority of the work just now. But he’s also pretty much the sexiest thing she’s ever seen in her life right now and Selena presses her lips to his, all tongues and teeth and she shifts to the side so he can stretch out alongside her.

It feels like her heart is galloping away from her, her skin sticks to his at each spot it touches his, and it hurts again just a bit when he pulls out of her. She whimpers. David wraps his arms around her, pulling her against his chest. His heart is right under ear, and the rickety pulsing is soothing, telling her that he’s as affected by all this as she is.

It’s good to know.

“You okay?” he asks a few minutes later, voice raspy, like the effort is too much for him.

Selena nods, too comfortable and sleepy to talk herself. She touches her lips to his chest and snuggles against him more. Then David is quiet and that’s never a good sign so she raises her head and clears her throat before she warns him not to fell asleep or she’ll leave him there and steal his clothes.

Cocking an eyebrow at her, he smirks. “And who would it embarrass more when someone finds me in here?”

Good point.

Rolling her eyes, she lays back down, wondering if it would raise eyebrows if she were to send Seacrest a fruit basket.


Oh, Walt Disney forgive me. : )

* Public for one week.

flist:kat, ship:not fooling anybody, fic, rpf, disney owns my soul, show:not what it seems

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