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Comments 12

handmaiden_yane October 19 2011, 15:16:37 UTC
I've been meaning to ask you...could I request a fanvid from you?


sache8 October 19 2011, 15:21:24 UTC
Hmmn. Well, I'm certainly curious to hear what it is, but truthfully the chances of me doing it are slim. Partly because of my vidding inertia, partly because I'm pretty sure I damaged my external hard drive, where almost all my video is stored, which means I'm starting from scratch on almost any fandom except the last two seasons of Doctor Who and Community.

Just in the interests of full disclosure. ;-)

If nothing else, I might be able to help you get started if you wanted to try and take a gander at vidding it yourself. What's the vid bunny?


handmaiden_yane October 19 2011, 15:46:20 UTC
Well, I'm pretty addicted to this song:


("Hello" by Martin Solveig & Dragonette)

I was in a Jane Austen spree this summer and I started thinking about various dances in her novels, especially in P&P with Darcy and Elizabeth. I thought it would be a really cute vid with Austen dance scenes juxtaposed with this song.


sache8 October 21 2011, 13:01:41 UTC
This is a fun song! I've been sort of binging on it myself. It would make a fun vid, and I can definitely see how you would match it with the social dance shenanigans of Jane Austen.

Hmmmn, still no promises, but let me first see if I can get all the movies. I don't have ripping/converting software anymore, and anyway what I used to have wasn't that good.


sabaceanbabe October 19 2011, 16:54:10 UTC
Wow. I hadn't seen that one before, but it's gorgeous in all the ways that matter. Your source material may be of mixed quality and aspect, but your editing is flawless and the emotion it evokes is strong. Thank you for posting it here again, since I missed it before.

*uses her only remaining Firefly icon*


sache8 October 21 2011, 13:15:15 UTC
Thanks! I still remember the day when I first experimented with lining up the audio for the voiceover. It fit like a dream. I'm not sure I even had to tweak it at all. I got this little thrill in my heart. One of THOSE moments, you know? ;-)


world_of_blade October 19 2011, 17:45:35 UTC
Very good vid! I love River Tam. Love the music you picked.


sache8 October 21 2011, 13:02:36 UTC
Thank you! I think the suggestion was my brother's, actually. It's almost annoying how many of my best vid ideas have been hsi. ;-)


(The comment has been removed)

sache8 October 21 2011, 13:06:05 UTC
Thanks! FYI, (speaking of Rivers) I really am giving serious consideration to a River/Doctor fanvid. Now that mom and I are almost done with our epic historical kdrama, I'll have some evening time freed up. :D


shadow2serenity October 20 2011, 14:55:43 UTC

Yes, this is far and away one of your best efforts, and I'm not just sayin' that for personal reasons....Still remember 'When in Rome' fondly but the reasons for that are a bit more obvious. ;)

And need I add, it still tickles me pink that you made that River vid using what is basically a love song and gave it to me for my birthday. ;)


sache8 October 21 2011, 13:04:37 UTC
What When in Rome helped to accomplish is one of my favorite personal experience fandom stories. ;-)


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