SED May 9, 10

May 10, 2015 22:34

Saturday: Hit the floor running (again). Went to the ceramic shop and spent a good part of the day finishing the Seekrit Project. Finally! Will be fired Monday/Tuesday, and ready for pickup on Wednesday. ::crosses fingers nothing horrible happens ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

teddyradiator May 11 2015, 11:48:15 UTC
You really need to apply yourself and start doing something. You're getting awfully lazy. ;)

Seriously, I wish I had your energy - you are one industrious woman.

I'm sorry you are having panic attacks. I hate those bastards. I am sending you waves of comfort and peace.


corianderpie May 11 2015, 16:33:33 UTC
((gentle hugs))

Stupid panic attacks. Really wish you didn't have to deal with that.


ex_logospil May 11 2015, 23:49:58 UTC
*cheers you on*

Oh my gosh, I've been having anxious moments too.

I can't wait to see you!!!!! :-)


nocturnus33 May 30 2015, 00:03:34 UTC
For what I read in some friends Lj Misti was really fun this year.


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