Title: Switch
Summary: "Once again, it came down to just her against just him."
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 100
Rating/Warnings: PG
Pairing: N/A
A/N: Another drabble for
hp100. What if Sirius was a Slytherin, and Bellatrix was a Gryffindor?
So there they were in the Department of Mysteries. Once again, it came down to just her against just him.
“You never should have let me out of your sight, Sirikins,” she said, after hurling a hex at him. “But you always thought were too good for me.”
“Correction,” he said, barely missing her with a curse. “I am too good for you.”
“Should have known it since school, you being in that bastard house-” she was cut off.
Harry watched as Bellatrix, his godmother, the only sort of family he had left, fell through the veil. And Sirius laughed.