Title: Symphony, Part IV
Summary: Lex decides.
Fandom: Smallville
Word Count: 781
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, future AU (takes into account series up to Lexmas), soul-crushing angst
Pairing: Lex/Lana
A/N: So. Yeah. Computer won't work for more than five minutes at a time, so you should all thank
gunstreet_girl that I have the newness. If you like it, that is. If you
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Comments 6
I love your characterization of Lex. I like how you write him. The way you write him is so very similar to the way I write him it is uncanny. I picture him as being very dark and manipulative when it comes to Lana. In the story I am working on he is even darker then you have him portrayed here.
This is my favorite part. Very, very nice.
They were late to dinner, her hair slightly mussed, his lips swollen, a calculated maneuver. Chloe wasn’t fazed. Lex had always liked that about her; anyway, it wasn’t meant for her. Clark looked like someone just kicked his puppy into traffic, though Lex noted with pleasure that he and Lana were chilly to each other.
Every time I read one of your updates they leave me craving more!
I hope you will let me archive this for Rapture. We should be opening very soon. The forum is finished and I am working on finishing the vid archive this weekend. All that is left are episode descriptions, transcripts and profiles.
I'd be thrilled to have this and/or my other L/L fic archived at Rapture. I can't wait until it opens.
*shudders* So dark.
I really love your style. You give little details, you like start off a sentence that way, throw us into the situation. You give very little to no explanation or history and though it may be confusing, it's mostly just mysterious.
Some flailing part of him knew he was a bad, possibly an evil person.
You know the question, "Does an insane person know they are insane?" It can be applied to evil people as well. Does an evil person know they are evil? Something to think about.
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