Title: Symphony, Part III
Summary: Lana remembers.
Fandom: Smallville
Word Count: 615
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, future AU (takes into account series up to Lexmas), soul-crushing angst
Pairing: Lex/Lana
A/N: Whee, Department of Backstory! I like the Department of Backstory. It has lovely filing cabinets.
Symphony )
Comments 2
On it's own, this has the potential to come across very sappy and cheesey. But it works here, you pull it off, and it comes across as sincere instead.
You're good. You're very, very good. You leave me wanting more and I feel there's actually more you can add. Little snippets of detail like this...
- She realized Lex was leading her, but she didn’t care.
- It was loud and full of too many people speaking too much English, but she loved it anyway.
- It grates her nerves; everything just seems to sound like Mozart.
...touch the surface of Lana's personality, it's fascinating. I urge you to delve deeper. You have the talent to truly explore this character.
Well done. Please continue.
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